My Suitcase: A Journey of Personal Growth

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

Written at on English with a size of 1.72 KB.

Overview of Me


  • From Mississauga
  • Completed first year of Networking & IT Security at UOIT
  • Transferred from Humber College after completing my engineering diploma
  • Currently in the GAAS program


My family has played a crucial role in shaping who I am today. They instilled in me important values such as:

  • Respect
  • Courtesy
  • Caring
  • Honesty
  • Understanding

My parents have always been my backbone, providing guidance and support throughout my life. They have encouraged me to pursue my academic goals and explore the world. I am grateful for their unwavering love and support.

Gym Bag

Staying active has always been an important part of my life. I enjoy various activities such as biking, swimming, and playing soccer. Recently, I have gotten into weight training, which has taught me valuable skills like perseverance, hard work, and determination. These skills have translated into other aspects of my life, helping me grow as an individual.


My friends have also had a significant impact on my development. They have motivated me to pursue my goals and have taught me the importance of friendship and social interaction. Through them, I have learned valuable skills such as respect, understanding, and patience.


I am a family and friend-oriented person who values relationships above all else. My upbringing has instilled in me qualities that I believe are essential for personal growth, such as respect, patience, understanding, reliability, and compassion. I am fortunate to have amazing people in my life who have helped shape me into the person I am today.

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