Strategic Marketing and Management Guide

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Stakeholder Management

Understanding Stakeholders:

  • Identify stakeholders and assess their relative importance, power, and interests.
  • Develop strategies for building and managing relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Identify potential risks associated with stakeholder relationships.

Benefits of Effective Stakeholder Management:

  • Improved decision-making by considering stakeholder perspectives.
  • Greater acceptance of organizational actions by stakeholders.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Stakeholder analysis can be subjective.
  • It may not be possible to meet all stakeholder interests simultaneously. Prioritize the most important stakeholders and strive to balance and reconcile interests based on importance and urgency.

The 4 Ps of Marketing


  1. Customer Needs: What do customers want from the product/service?
  2. Features: What features should it have to meet those needs?
  3. Completeness: Are there any essential features missing?
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Are there any costly features that customers may not actually use?
  5. Usage: How and where will customers use the product/service?
  6. Design: What should it look like?
  7. Specifications: What size, color, etc., should it be?
  8. Naming: What will it be called?
  9. Branding: How will it be branded?
  10. Differentiation: How does it differ from competitors?
  11. Pricing: What is the maximum cost to provide the product/service while maintaining profitability?


-1Wer do buyers look 4 yur product or service?2ifdey look ina store,wat kind?3howcan U access the right distribution channels?4doU need 2 use a sales force?5wat do yur competitors add 2 plan,& how can U learn from dat &/ordifferentiate?price1wat is da value of da product or service 2 da buyer?2R der established price points add 2 plan 4 products or service in dis area?3is da customer price sensitive?4watdiscounts should be offered 2 trade customers?5how will ur price compare wid ur competitors?promotion1wer & wen can U get across yur marketing msgs 2 yur tgt market?2will U reach yur audience by advert online,in the press,or on tv,or radio,or on billboards?3whenis the best time 2 promote?4howdo yur competitors do their promotions?Maslow-PhysiologicalNeeds/SaftyNeeds/socialNeeds/EsteemNeeds/SelfActulization.Herzberg-*Studies da job satisfaction&Dissatisfaction arises from two seperate setfactorsHygineFactorsSalary/Security/Status/WorkingConditions/SupervisionMotivationFactorsAchivement/Advancement/Growth/Recognition/Responsibility/TypeOfWork.UAE-1DevEco2FavrbleLoc3FavTax4NoImportTax5OptimalCostB6Visa7BankA/c CSR1EviorEffots2Philathrphy3EthicalLaborPractices4Volunteerng

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