Spanish Literature in the 1950s and 1960s: Poetry, Novel, and Representative Authors

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Spanish Literature in the 1950s and 1960s


The Decade of the 50: Most Representative Authors

  • Blas Otero (1916-1979): Existential poetry, social poetry, new forms of expression
  • Gabriel Celaya (1911-1991): Surrealist, intense and aggressive language

The Decade of the 60: Most Representative Authors

  • Jose Hierro (1922-2002): Early works: search for happiness; later works: collective suffering and existentialism
  • Claudio Rodriguez (1934-1999): Simple style, singular
  • Angel Gonzalez: Social poetry
  • Jaime Gil de Biedma: Intimate issues
  • Jose Angel Valente: Secrecy


The Decade of the 50: Representative Authors

  • Rafael Sanchez Ferlosio: Realistic approach, concentration of action
  • Ignacio Aldecoa: Passion as a storyteller
  • Jesus Fernandez Santos: Existential themes

The Decade of the 50 and 60: Representative Authors

  • Luis Martin Santos: Time, silence, linguistic records
  • Juan Marse: Satirizes the pretensions of the progressive bourgeoisie
  • Juan Benet: Meditation
  • Juan Goytisolo: Realms Taifa
  • Luis Goytisolo: The wrath of Achilles
  • Camilo Jose Cela (1916-2002): New narrative techniques
  • Miguel Delibes (1920-2010): Sobriety, simplicity, richness of language

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