Spanish Language and Literature: Syntax, Analysis, and Medieval Context
Classified in History
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Spanish Syntax Essentials
1. Predicate: Includes the verb 'to be' or similar verbs with attributes.
2. Direct Object: Replaceable by 'lo', 'la', 'los', 'las'.
3. Indirect Object: Answers 'to whom' or 'for whom', replaceable by 'le' or 'les'.
4. Circumstantial Complement: Indicates time, place, manner, etc.
5. Predicative Complement: Agrees in gender and number with the subject or object.
6. Agent Complement: Introduced by 'por' in passive sentences.
7. Compound Sentences:
- Coordinated: Copulative (e, ni), Disjunctive (o, u), Distributive (o...o, ya...ya), Explanatory (o sea, es decir), Adversative (pero, mas, aunque).
- Juxtaposed: Linked without conjunctions, showing addition, contrast, cause, purpose, consequence, time.
8. Subordinate Clauses:
- Substantive: Function as nouns (subject, attribute, direct object), introduced by 'que', 'si'.
- Adjective: Modify nouns, introduced by relative pronouns (que, cual, cuyo, donde).
Text Analysis Guidelines
1. Critical Commentary and Summary: Maximum 25% of the total text.
2. Text Type: Literary or non-literary, argumentative, expository, narrative, etc.
3. Organization of Ideas: Identify and analyze the structure and location of ideas.
4. Critical Evaluation: Provide reasoned arguments based on the text.
5. Conclusion: Summarize main ideas and provide a closing statement.
The Middle Ages in Spain
Historical Context
The Middle Ages span from the fall of the Roman Empire to the 15th century. In Spain, this period includes the Visigothic rule, the Muslim conquest, and the Reconquista.
Political and Social Structure
Society was divided into feudal estates. The clergy and nobility held power, while peasants worked the land. Urban centers grew with trade, challenging feudal power.
Medieval Culture
Theocentric worldview: God as the ultimate judge. Sin and death were prominent themes. Women were considered inferior. Honor was crucial, especially for nobles.
Coexistence of Cultures: Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities influenced Spanish society.
Mester de Juglaría
Oral literature, irregular verses, anonymous authors, repetition, simple metaphors.
Jarchas: Mozarabic lyrical poems.
Cantigas: Galician-Portuguese songs.
Villancicos: Castilian carols.
Epic Poems: Narratives about heroic deeds.