Social Security Benefits in Spain: Eligibility and Duration

Classified in Medicine & Health

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Healthcare Benefits in Spain

Healthcare aims to provide medical and pharmaceutical services conducive to preserving or restoring the health of beneficiaries. Coverage includes common or professional diseases, accidents (whether work-related or not), and maternity.

Eligibility for Healthcare Benefits

The following individuals are eligible:

  • Workers, including those in the General Survey and special regimes, affiliates, and high-ranking or similar service personnel.
  • Pensioners and recipients of regular benefits, including unemployment benefits or assistance.
  • Relatives or carers in charge of the above, provided they meet these conditions:
    • Live with the holder and are under their care.
    • Do not perform any paid work or receive any pension.
    • Income or assets do not exceed twice the minimum interprofessional wage.
    • Do not qualify for this benefit under a different title.

Eligibility for Individuals Without Economic Resources

Individuals without economic resources must:

  • Be Spanish or have established residence in the national territory.
  • Have an income at or below the minimum interprofessional wage (SMI).
  • Not be included in other Social Security regimes as a holder or beneficiary.

Special Cases

  • Spanish emigrants during their temporary stay in Spain or upon permanent return can enter into a healthcare agreement.
  • The maimed and Republican veterans.
  • Individuals with a disability equal to or greater than 33% with no right to healthcare.

The right to healthcare is established on the day of membership and is effective from the day following the presentation of the application. This right is extinguished when the conditions required to be a holder or beneficiary are no longer met, or upon death.

Temporary Disability Benefits

In case of illness or accident preventing work, the benefit is:

  • 60% of the base salary from the 4th to the 20th day.
  • 75% from the 21st day onwards.
  • In case of a work-related accident or occupational disease, 75% from the day it occurs.

The subsidy duration is 12 months, extendable for another 6 months. A minimum contribution period of 180 days in the last 5 years is required.

Other Social Security Benefits

  • Risk During Pregnancy: 100% of the regulatory base. Minimum contribution period of 180 days in the 7 years prior.
  • Maternity: 100% of the regulatory base. Minimum contribution period of 180 days in the last 7 years.
  • Permanent Partial Disability: Compensation of 24 installments from the base.
  • Total Permanent Disability: 55% of the base, which may be increased by 20% for those over 55 years old.
  • Permanent Total Disability: 100% of the regulatory base.
  • Major Disability: 100% of the base pension, plus a 50% increment for a person attending to the invalid.
  • Early Retirement: With 15 years of contributions, 50% of the base. Each additional year between 16 and 25 adds 3%, and each additional year from 26 adds 2%.

Unemployment Benefits

If you have family responsibilities, you are entitled to 3 months of benefits; if not, 6 months. Initially, you will receive 75% of the SMI.

The unemployment benefit percentage will be 70% of the regulatory base for the first 180 days and 60% from the 181st day onwards.

Unemployment Benefit Duration Based on Contribution Period

Contribution PeriodBenefit Duration (Days)
2160 or more720

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