Shia Islam: History, Beliefs, and Practices
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We must remember that when the division happened, most of the Muslims did not follow Ali; they followed Abu Bakr. During Ali's imamate in 656, the third Caliph Rashidun, the first Fitna war (656-661) occurred. It ended because Ali agreed to negotiate with his enemy to avoid the brutal civil war. However, this was seen as treason by some Shia extremists because they argued that power given by God could not be negotiated. Therefore, Ali was assassinated.
The Rise of Muawiya and Imam Hasan's Role
After the end of the first Fitna, Muawiya ruled as caliph from 661 to 680. Hasan, the second Imam (661-670), accepted Muawiya as caliph because he did not want to continue the war that opposed Sunni vs. Shia. However, Shia thought Hasan practiced Taqiyya by accepting Muawiya as caliph because he lied, but it was permissible to do so as it was a religious situation. Hasan retired to Medina, away from politics and disputes over who should be the leader. This was controversial for Shias because, according to their belief, he should not have retired. That's why Shias do not make pilgrimages to his tomb.
Imam Hussein and the Second Fitna
Hasan died in 670 with no descendants, so Hussein, his younger brother and Ali's second son, became the third Imam. Hussein's imamate lasted ten years, during which he did nothing. He respected the agreement between Hasan and Muawiya, so during this period, there was peace between Sunni and Shia. When Muawiya died in 680, Hussein rebelled because he did not have a binding agreement with the caliph and his family. Hussein refused to accept the legitimacy of Muawiya's son, Yazid, so in 680, the second Fitna began. Finally, Hussein and his family were killed by Yazid's family. Hussein became the most important Imam for Shia Muslims because he was a symbol of what it means to be a Shia Muslim, a victim. Hussein became an activist because he committed a suicidal act that became a symbol of "it's better to fight for your beliefs than to surrender when you face persecution."
Muharram: Commemorating Imam Hussein's Martyrdom
To venerate Hussein's importance, Shias go on pilgrimage every year to where Hussein is buried. One of the four sacred months of Islam is Muharram, when war is forbidden. It's an annual ritual of prayer and commemoration of Hussein's death and martyrdom. Some characteristics are:
- His sister
- 'Tazieh' plays
- 'Dasta' marches
- 'Tatbir' self-mutilation
Branches of Shia Islam and the Shahada
Finally, there are three branches of Shia Islam:
- Twelver (Jafari)
- Zaydism (Fivers)
- Ismailism (Seveners)
The division in Islam is not only about who leads; it is also in the declaration of faith, the Shahada.