Scientific Method & Energy Types: Properties & Examples
Classified in Chemistry
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The scientific method is a systematic process of investigation. It starts by collecting information and observing measurements. It involves designing and checking hypotheses, laws, and theories.
Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity.
Density = mass / volume. (d = kg/m³)
Intensive properties: density, shape, mass.
Extensive properties: elasticity, specific gravity, hardness, impenetrability.
Homogeneous mixture: the composition of the mixture is uniform throughout the solution.
Heterogeneous mixture: the composition is not uniform.
- 100 = 1
- 101 = 10
- 102 = 100
- 103 = 1,000
- 104 = 10,000
- 105 = 100,000
- 106 = 1,000,000
- 10-9 = 1 / 1,000,000,000 = 0.000000001
So, a number like: 156,234,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 can be written as 1.56234 × 1029
And a small number 0.0000000000234 can be written as 2.34 × 10-11.
Chemical Energy
Is the energy stored in chemicals.
Thermal Energy
Heat energy is the effect of moving molecules.
Light Energy
It is carried by light waves.
Sound Energy
Sound energy is the effect of moving molecules.
Mechanical Energy
There are two types: kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic energy is the energy of a body in motion.
The quicker they move, the more kinetic energy they have.
Potential energy is stored energy.
Nuclear Energy
Is the energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It can be used for both destructive purposes and to produce electricity.
Solar Energy
The sun is a huge power station.
Wind Energy
It is the energy produced by wind and has been used throughout history.
Tidal Energy
When the tide rises, water is forced through a dam, driving turbines.
Geothermal Energy
The earth is a massive deposit of natural heat.