Schubert's "The Miller's Beautiful Daughter": Analysis

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The Walker "Lied No. 1 Cycle" La Bella Molinera.


Rhythm is a binary rhythm, regular and constant in quadruple time, whose unit is a quarter note. Speed display does not figure in German and in Italian, reflecting the assertion that German Romanticism was doing one's own culture. The equivalent would be a mässig Geschwind Allegro moderato, is moderately fast. In his left hand, continuous eighth-note rhythm breaks whose function is to emphasize the rhythm, which, together with the incessant bustle of sixteenths on the right, suggests the purposeful stride of a person walking briskly. Although the pace is easy, worth noting the slight rhythmic counterpoint introducing the right hand section A, since the introduction, the two notes forming chords that underscore the turn of the cadence on weak parts of the compass.


The melody is the most prominent, available at regular intervals with cadences at the end of each period. Although it seems to dominate, in fact clearly subject to harmonic element in the sense that her turns and inflections are driven by the tensions inherent in the tonal system, in which certain notes attraction exercised over others. As befits the lied, the tune has no special difficulties for the song. Its scope does not exceed one octave.


The type of texture is strictly homophonic, for there is a harmonic accompaniment to the melody. The melody is entrusted entirely to the voice while the piano makes the arpeggiated chords to get a lighter texture and fluid, depending on usage known as the Alberti bass, which was so popular during the Classic era. Ringing in the score does not specify the type of voice required and in fact it is common to hear Schubert lieder in different tessituras. At the hearing, the singer is a baritone. As for the piano, note that, unlike the treatment received in other lieder which is balanced in importance with the voice, here it is not beyond the role of "accompaniment." For this reason it is always in a low register and even for the right hand side is written entirely in bass clef.


As a lied, the first of a series whose unity is given by the plot that unfolds in a series of twenty poems. Its structure is AB, preceded by an introduction of four measures, and responds exactly to the structure of the poem. Section A consists of four bars that are repeated exactly, both in music and in the text. Section B has one more verse in relation to the first, so it lasts eight bars without repetition. Thus the two sections are balanced in eight bars each. From the standpoint of tonal establishing a symmetrical arrangement. A whole section is in B flat, the first four bars of B act as modulating central section, to G minor and F major, and finally, the last four bars of B restored the home key, B flat.

Genre and Artistic Period

Genre: Vocal music. For the role played by this musical form in the social life of his time can also be considered as "lounge music".

Artistic Period: Romanticism. First half of the nineteenth century.

Title and Author

Title: Das Wandern (The Wanderer), first cycle lied Molinera entitled Bella.

Author: Franz Schubert.

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