Romanticism: A Deep Dive into its Styles, Techniques, and Key Figures

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Romanticism: A Philosophical and Moral Stance

Romanticism positions the individual within a global context of philosophical and religious moral values. The romantic profile is characterized by:

  • A yearning for freedom
  • Religious exaltation
  • The exaltation of feelings and passions
  • Clash of power through the idea of liberalism
  • Questioning of eternal values and admission of an evolutionary moral idea

Styles, Techniques, and Models of Romanticism

Subjectivity in narrative allows the author's feelings to permeate the work. Within the movement, two opposing currents emerge:

1. Conservative Romanticism

A return to traditions lost to liberal influences.

2. Revolutionary Romanticism

A renewal of the old social structures of the Ancien Régime.

Romantic Prose

Development focuses on two genres: customs and the historical novel.

Mariano José de Larra

Known for his suicide at 28 years old due to various failed love affairs. His works include:

  • Political and customs articles: Descriptions of the social status of Spain in the early 19th century. Key works include "Come Back Tomorrow" and "Get Married Soon and You'll Be Evil."
  • Dramatic and literary articles: Critical attacks on neoclassical theater. Key works include "The Troubadour" and "I Want to be a Comic."

Style: Uses expressive language to reflect the characters in his stories.

Romantic Poetry

Hendecasyllabic verse is replaced by new meters and stanzas.

José de Espronceda

Known for his turbulent and disorderly life, he used exalted language in his poems, emphasizing expressive values. His works include "The Student of Salamanca" and "The Devil World."

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Cultivated prose reflected in stories and legends, while retaining musical language. Key works include "The Moonlight" and "The White Shell."

Romantic Theater

  • Number of acts varies from 3 or 4 to 5, alternating between poetry and prose.
  • Theme is absolute love.
  • Features two protagonists: the romantic hero and heroine. Misfortune is ever-present, and the heroine is born to love, live, and die for her beloved.
  • Most romantic dramas unfold amidst ruins and cemeteries.

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