Robots: Types, Components, and Functions
Classified in Technology
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Robots: Types and Characteristics
Androids are robots designed with human-like features, including realistic skin and sensors that enable them to respond to touch.
Cyborgs are beings that combine both biological and artificial components.
Robot Components
Motors convert energy into mechanical motion, enabling robots to move.
Sensors receive analog signals and convert them into digital data for processing.
- Temperature sensor
- Pressure sensor
- Touch sensor
Microphones allow robots to collect, process, and record sounds, acting as their"ears"
Robot Output
Robots with claws are programmed to carry objects, often used in factories or junkyards.
Robots with wheels can travel various distances under different conditions.
Relays are electrically operated switches.
Speakers convert electrical signals into audible sounds.
Touch Sensors
- 0 - Released: Previously pressed and now released
- 1 - Pressed: Pressed after startup
- 2 - Bumped: Press and release (slap)
A flag set to 0 indicates that the robot should wait for a sound to finish before proceeding.
Move Steering
- X - OFF
- Empty circle - ON
- Circle with two perpendicular lines - ON FOR SECONDS
- Circle with degrees - ON FOR DEGREES
- Circle with hashtag - ON FOR ROTATION
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