The Rise of Fascism and Economic Crisis in the Interwar Period

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ECONOMY europe--> 1st half crisis bc destruction & debt 2nd half distention bc of better international relationshipsh+prosperity- germany = worst state PRIMER CÍRCULO way out = Dawes plan (ends ruhr occupation, lowers war reparations, gives money for economic recovery)/ USA--> industrial growt, increase in exports, europe pays dawes plan + mass consumer society "american livestyle" (car + house appliances) / 1929 crisis growth based on consmption development by credits, increase in speculation=increase in stock market value, SEGUNDO CÍRCULO , globalisation of crisis=great depression (that ends w/WWII) / way out great depr economic nationalism & state intervention - USA elections 32' hoover (economic liberalism) vs roosevelt (keynesianism+new deal) keynesianism TERCER CÍRCULO, new deal reforms to help economy (price increase, invest in public works, loans to companies, banking control, minimum wage & social security)- Great Britain classic ec.Liberalism, protectionism against foreign produce, lower currency value=betterinternational sales- Germany worst state, society calls for strong leader= nazi promise to restore prosperity- Soviet Union no crisis bc of 5year plans

POLITICS crisis of democracies--> ec-social cause (ec.Crisis spread unemployement and worker unions scared bougeoisie) politic cause (instability bc of worker revolts that feared bolshevitation and rejection of worker unions in parliament) ideological cause (war showed progress wasn't infinite)/ fascism ultranationalism (my nation superior racist component antisemitis aryan race) exaltation state (state interest over rights & freedoms) imperialism (quest for living space & pangermanism) inequality (upper-lower dichetomy women 2nd class) rejection political liberalism (no parliament, opposition, right to vote) leader cult (exaltation powers concentrated & scenogrpahies) misuse of reason (irracional behaviours praise)  propaganda violence praise youth indoctrination (Hitler youth opera nazionale barilla) purging teachers and books

ITALIAN FASCISM  causes (exalted nationalism didnt get terrritories) industrial fiancial (companies sell little and unemployement) social crisis (debt bc of war workers strikes occupy factories north) parliamentary crisis (difficulty forming strong gov)/ rise to power Mussolini funds nat fascist party (origin=black shirts) middle classes fear bolshevisation industry owners lose profits & vote fascists that promise support March in rome gov wants emergency state king says no gov resigns king gives power to Mussolini/ dictatorship no democratic institutions assasinated deputy bc denunciations banned parliament, political parties & trade unions created OVRA society couldn't scape the absolut control/ over come great depression strong state intervention & public works stimulated agriculture& industry/ foreign policy intervined in spanish city war allied w/germany&japan &expansion to ethiopia

GERMAN FASCISM causes humiliaton in treaty of versailles postwar crisis & unemployement generation of discontent/ rise to power first way  creation of nazy party & SA with hyperinflation Hitler took the power by force and was arrested in prison wrote my struggle second way  crash of 29= withdrawal of loans rising bankrupcy tension & unemployement/ dictatorship 1st night - with death of hinderburg becomes reich & obtains power economic growth (public works & rearmamen) created gestapo persecuted opposition 2nd night - antisemitism exclusion laws forbiden mixed marriages out public office star of david badge 3rd night/ foreign policy expanded to austria czecoslovakia poland easter europe and intervined in spanish Civil War

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