Rhyme scheme of rima liii

Posted by ozair202 and classified in Music

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“Morning Song” is Sylvia Plath’s tribute to her newborn daughter, Frieda. Composed early in 1961 when the baby was eight months old, it expresses the ambivalence of new motherhood – the joy, the optimism, the wistfulness, the uncertainty. Plath’s view is beautiful and relatable, though not without its anxieties. Structure:

The poem comprises six stanzas of three non-rhyming lines each. It is a first person monologue in free verse with run-on lines, enjambment, reflecting the meaning and emotions of the poet. It seems strange that a song wouldn't have a rhythmic structure.  the poem is divided into six three-line stanzas, but even the stanzas don't have any rhyme scheme or distinct patterns. Even the line breaks seem to follow regular patterns of speech more than then correspond to a poem Title:

Morning Song" seems like a pretty innocuous title at first. However as you dig deeper into the poem itself, the title becomes more clear. In the first lines of the poem, a new baby cries for the very first time. It's the beginning of her life. Just like morning is the beginning of the day. However as we glance over the last few lines of the poem. The baby tries out a "handful of notes;/ The clear vowels rise like balloons." it could be understood that this could be another song, as plath calls the baby’s cries “notes”. Furthermore, Since this entire poem is staged as a conversation between a mother and her baby, it's possible that the entire poem is a song sung to the baby.

Thesis: ones valuability is strengthened by their innocence perceived by others

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