Rasselas's Pursuit of Happiness: A Journey Through Chapters 21-27

Classified in Religion

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Chapter 21: The Hermit's Solitude

They finally reached the hermit's cell. The hermit tells them that he had lived for fifteen years in solitude to avoid all evil. After a conversation about his experience, the hermit decides to return to Cairo with them.

Chapter 22: The Assembly of Learned Men

Sometimes Rasselas joined an assembly of learned men, where they shared their opinions and thoughts. There, Rasselas exposes his meeting with the hermit. One of them suggests that happiness can be found in life according to nature. Rasselas is interested in his explanation and asks him to explain what he has quoted; however, he cannot explain to Rasselas how to live in accordance with nature.

Chapter 23: Dividing the Search

Rasselas and his sister, Nekayah, decided to divide the work, because Imlac despised the search of the brothers regarding happiness. The princess tells her brother that she will seek happiness in the life of the poor while he will try his life in the palaces of the rich people.

Chapter 24: The Prince's Experience in the Court

The prince was presented in the court of the Bassa, where he was accepted. He often had similar thoughts, but he found that almost all men who had a high rank envied and hated the rest, with mutual hatred. The Bassa was taken to Constantinople in chains and his name was banned. Later, the second Bassa was deposed. The Sultan, who had favored him, was murdered by the Janissaries and his successor had other views and different favorites.

Chapter 25: Nekayah Among the Poor

Nekayah was introduced into poor families and busied herself with the women in that society. She pretended to carry out a thorough analysis and penetrate their hearts. The princess met with her brother and told him that she saw many poor people trying to simulate their welfare.

Chapter 26: The Stormy Relationship Between Parents and Children

Nekayah tells Rasselas that relations between children and parents are always going to be stormy because the experience of maturity and innocence of youth will always be opposite poles and are going to oppose each other, even living in the same household. Rasselas then questions whether it is more appropriate to live without feeling anything or for anyone to avoid suffering.

Chapter 27: The Impossibility of Pleasing Everyone

The characters talk about an error of Nekayah's by prejudging people. She adds that it is unavoidable to please everyone with everything they do. She argues that it is impossible, having a high position, to enjoy happiness. Therefore, happiness will be a worthy state of a humble class that is not accountable to anyone. She concludes that virtue takes patience to be happy, but inevitably waiting involves suffering.

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