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Classified in Medicine & Health

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The main purpose of this report is to help the Howatt Hotel to improve. To prepare this report different members of staff have been interviewed.

According to the staff, hiring the right general manager is a critical decision because the manager is responsible for effective operation. Since the new arrival of Mr. Huchet, many things have changed in a negative way.

Recent trends/ Dissatisfaction

It was reported that the latest months staff work conditions got worse, there are too many part-time employees or student trainees who are not motivated because they are hardly paid anything. It was also stated that new methods in running this hotel like “flexibility” or “job rotation” are not effective, as a consequence staff is unsatisfied.


In order to make this hotel successful, the hotel manager needs to work together with other team members and motivatethem.

Moreover, the Hotel needs to invest more money in a new software.

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