Psychology, Navigation, and Well-being: Key Insights

Classified in Medicine & Health

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The Psychology of Space

1. 1c, 2a

2. T T

  1. There had been little research on the psychological effects of the buildings we live and work in.
  2. Architects should take into account not only the appearance of a building, but also the health of the people who use it.
  1. Aspects
  2. Recover
  3. Risk
  4. Take into account

Where Am I?

1. A, 2c

2. T F

  1. …animals with amazing navigational skills.
  2. …they can't rely on maps and a GPS to help them navigate.
  1. Disorientation
  2. Landmarks
  3. Skills
  4. Vast
  5. Environments

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

1. b, 2, c

2. T F

  1. In order to help them reach their goals.
  2. The writer believes that if we can control our impulses, it can be an important tool for achieving success.
  1. Make it
  2. Held out
  3. Founded
  4. Allow

Noise Matters

1. B 2C

2. T F

  1. Because they dislike being forced to listen to piped music wherever they go.
  2. Because people who work in shops are forced to listen to it all day.
  3. Because just like people don't have the right to force others to inhale their smoke, they don't have the right to force others to listen to music.

4. a 2c 3b

Video Games and Anger Management

A1C 2B

2. T T

3. Because there are an estimated 16 million adults in the US who have serious problems controlling their tempers.

4. Concerned/ come up with/ severe/ faced with/ taking into account.

How Old Did You Say You Were?


2. T F

  1. The aim is to understand how these SuperAgers manage to get to such an advanced age and stay healthy and active.
  2. Most centenarians have relatives who also lived to 100.
  1. …prevent the diseases that came with age.
  2. …to not give up their healthy lifestyle.

5. challenging/slim/prevent/give up/rely on

The Question of Longevity: Living to 100

That’s a very difficult question to decide if I would like to live to be 100, because there are a lot of reasons in favor and against.

On the one hand, if I had good health and I were able to live without help, I would like to live a long time. I would also like to have money to travel and enjoy the time of my life. If I could walk and do things on my own, I wouldn’t mind having a long time.

However, if I had a lot of health problems and I weren't able to live on my own, I would prefer to die. In this case, I would need help, and my children wouldn't enjoy their life because they would have to look after me.

In conclusion, depending on my health and my possibilities to have a good lifestyle, I would decide if I liked to live to be 100 or not.

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