Pronoun Functions: Reflexive, Reciprocal, and Subordinate Clauses

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Pronoun Functions

  • Personal Pronoun: 3rd person, substitute for him/them. In this case, the pronoun is an indirect object. Example: Sent a gift to their grandparents / He sent it.
  • Reflexive Pronoun: Used in reflexive structures (3rd person) where the subject performs the verb action on themselves. Example: They wore makeup.
  • Pseudoreflexive Pronoun: Syntactically similar to reflexive, but semantically the subject does not perform the action. Example: John built a house.
  • Reciprocal Pronoun: Used when the action is done mutually between the components of the subject. Example: Angela and Ines gave their gifts.
  • Passive Reflexive: A mix of active and passive sentences. Example: They sell melons.
  • Impersonal Pronoun: Appears in sentences without a grammatical subject. Example: Patients will be addressed in consultation 3.
  • Pronominal Verbs: Some verbs require a personal pronoun. Example: His sister was delighted with your promotion.
  • Emphatic or Ethical Dative: A stylistic element that can be removed without changing the sentence's core meaning. Example: John took a refreshment.

Subordinate Clauses

  • Subject Clause: Example: Obviously you like her cousin. / I love to read after dinner.
  • Vocative Clause: Example: Those who come, you go to hike, bring the signed authorizations.
  • Complement of the Noun Clause: Example: Burning desire to invite me. / I am sure we will win this match.
  • Appositive Clause: Example: That corridor, which carries the yellow bib, is Moroccan. / We stayed with my cousin, I introduced you to the party.
  • Direct Object Clause: Example: We do not know if you have received the news. / The director told us how to proceed. / I want you to accompany me to that appointment.
  • Supplement Clause: Example: I trust you've placed the clock. / I'm glad you like my new helmet.
  • Attribute Clause: Example: The psychologist was the one who advised me to change my study habits. / Eduardo is that doctrine.
  • Predicative Complement Clause: Example: My mother has returned from the workshop that no one will cough. / Christians believe that Christ saved the world.
  • Indirect Object Clause: Example: Awards who get better grades. / We will make a caricature as a gift to those who arrive first.
  • Agent Supplement Clause: Example: The threats were uttered by those you already know. / Minorities tend to be discriminated against by those who govern.
  • Prepositional Complement of an Adjective or Adverb Clause: Example: I'm bored that no one minds me. / We are far from that situation occurring.

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