Primate Evolution and Human Ancestry: Key Adaptations and Milestones
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1 .- Visión binocular 2 .- Color Perception 3 .- Trunk erect climbing, walking or sitting. 4 .- orbits surrounded by bone 5 .- Thumbs opposed to other fingers. 6 .- Presence of flat nails rather than claws, hands and feet. 7 .- Shoulder joint well developed 8 .- The elbow joint allows rotation of the forearm. The forearm rotation movements are known as pronation and supination.
Monkeys: Cercopitecoideos: Macaques, baboons, Chucks
Hominoids: chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, gibbons, Male hominoids - Hylobatidae (Gibbons) - Hominidae (orangutans (ponginos) Gorilla (gorilla), chimpanzees (Pan), Man (homo))
Foramen magnum in the center of the skull, thus allowing a march erguida.-Increased skull size and more rounded. - Absence of supraorbital margins, compared with apes that have prominent brow ridges. -Appears dorsal and lumbar curvature that keeps the trunk on the pelvis - pelvis is shorter, wider and concave shape that allows the internal organs and better weight distribution. Walk closer to the vertical center of gravity - The face is more flat compared to the prominence of the Apes
- Reduction of the jaw, palate shorter. The dental arch is rounded horseshoe shaped and not square as in apes. - Canines and incisors of small sizes, and have no diastema. Australopithecus (More than 4.2 million years ago) oldest hominid known "The earliest fossils are from Kenya and Africa
"Diversity is species: A. Amanensis, A. Africanus, A. Aferensis, A. Robustus-long face forward, "Teeth typical of a plant food based on grains and roots-The roof is low, as in the pongids
-Erect posture, bipedal, by basal position of the foramen magnum, the knee joint and changes in the pelvis. "Cranial volume is around 440 to 530 cc.
Homo habilis (1.9 million years ago) fossils found only in Africa-cranial capacity of 750 cc-Associate with making crude tools from stones to wear phase. "Great size of molars and premolars. Cranial-vault is higher. Back of the skull is more rounded than that of the australopithecines. Homo erectus (1.7 million years): - First representative of the genus Homo-Pelvis-modern stride Cranial capacity of 850-1100 cc. "Varied and sophisticated tools were worn stones biphasic-It spread over Africa, Asia and Europe
-Face is shorter but maintains a very robust brow ridges-face small-knew the fire, hunting animals and gathering fruits. Neanderthal (90,000 years ago):"Cranial capacity 1600 cc. Superciliary arches marked, yet. Face of large surface-projected average ycara forward. "No chin relatively Alpana cranial vault. -Occipital very outgoing. -Small and flat-front upper jaw protrusion (prognathism)-Arcos superciliary accused visor shaped supraorbital "It spread throughout the old world made of flake tools (knives and blades carved spear points) rather than rounded stones They lived in caves, buried their dead, "Homo sapiens sapiens were hunters (60,000 to 40,000 years ago):" Cranial capacity 1400 cc. Face-orthognathic generally (not protruding) with vertical medial Front Chin-wide ledge and vertical occipital prominence Less developed a very perfect lytic activity and also worked bone and ivory ornaments Manufacture of paintings-Authors Lascaux and Altamira