Primary Care for Seniors in Mallorca: Health & Wellness
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Primary Care Program for Seniors in Mallorca
Since 2000, primary care has been developing the Care Program for Seniors. Here is a quick review of the main points covered.
General Objective
To improve the health and quality of life of people 75 or older who live in Mallorca.
Specific Objectives
- Increase uptake of risk assessment in homes.
- Increase the proportion of older people with healthy lifestyles.
- Reduce the situations that increase the risk of illness, complications, and sequelae.
- Reduce the incidence of accidents and falls.
- Reduce the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases (tetanus, flu).
- Reduce the number of elderly with mental or social functional disability secondary to chronic conditions.
- Reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and readmissions.
Classification of Elderly
The Barber questionnaire is used to classify the elderly into one of the following groups:
- Healthy Elderly
- Elderly Patients (no risk)
- High-Risk Frail Elderly Patient
Comprehensive geriatric assessment includes rating the following activities, described below:
- Clinical rating
- Nursing rating
- Social function rating
- Mental rating
Action Plan
Once the assessment has been completed, the action plan is designed together with the elderly and their caregivers, which includes the following:
- Medical treatment plan
- Nursing care plan
- Social intervention
The monitoring of the evolution of the elderly depends on the category to which they belong, as well as the action plan that has been set.
Healthy Elderly
- Administer the Barber questionnaire.
- Administer influenza and tetanus-diphtheria vaccines.
- Conduct a periodic health examination.
Frequency: Every two years, except for influenza and tetanus vaccines.
Place: Health Center in a scheduled consultation.
Professional Responsibility: Doctor and nurse.
Elderly Patients (No Risk)
- Administer the Barber questionnaire.
- Assess their disease and include them in relevant programs or protocols available in GAP.
- Administer influenza and tetanus-diphtheria vaccines.
- Conduct a periodic health examination.
- Offer health education.
Frequency: Every two years, except for influenza and tetanus vaccines, held in a scheduled consultation at the health center or home, if applicable, in appointments or responding to a call.
Professional Responsibility: Doctor and nurse.
Elderly at Risk or Frail Geriatric Patients
- Based on the health problems detected in the overall rating, set the timetable for monitoring and control visits.
- Conduct a comprehensive assessment of nursing needs.
- Administer influenza and tetanus-diphtheria vaccines.
- Review therapeutic plans, special nursing care, and social intervention.
- Offer health education.
Frequency: Annual.
Venue: Health Center in a scheduled consultation or at home, if applicable, by appointment, or in response to a call.
Professional Responsibility: Physician, nurse, and social worker.
Community Health Resources
Social Resources
Resources directed at older people, according to the activities carried out, can be grouped into:
Leisure-Related Resources
These offer many leisure activities for healthy older people living in their homes. They are called day centers, homes, or clubs for older persons.
Training Resources
These resources carry out cultural activities, such as classrooms for the elderly and universities for seniors.
Resources Related to Travel
There are two types of discount travel at reduced prices through IMSERSO:
- Balneotherapy (leisure/health): Stays at a lower price in spas.
- Holidays for the Elderly: These are possible thanks to a contract between the Ministry of Social Affairs and tourism enterprises. They offer stays at a reduced price in tourist spots during the low season for pensioners and their companions, with shifts lasting a fortnight.