Phrasal Verb Examples and Their Meanings

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Phrasal Verb Examples

  1. Break Down

    Tina's computer broke down in the middle of her paper.

  2. Turn Down

    She turned down all the men who asked her to marry them.

  3. Look Up To

    That teacher is someone I look up to.

  4. Get On With

    Does Sheila get on well with her parents?

  5. Look Into

    Have scientists ever looked into the way animals communicate with humans?

  6. Get By

    It is difficult for the family to get by on the money they have.

  7. Look Forward To

    The girls are looking forward to seeing their grandparents again.

  8. Come Up With

    The inventor came up with a solution to the problem in a dream.

  9. Put Off

    They have put off the meeting until next Friday.

  10. Work Out

    It was difficult to work out what was happening in the story.

  11. Look Up

    Will you look up this word in the dictionary?

  12. Drop Out

    I didn't know you had dropped out. Was it too difficult?

  13. Come Up

    Paul's name has not come up in our conversations before.

  14. Give Up

    I gave up smoking over three years ago.

  15. Put Up

    We can put you up for the night.

  16. Come Across

    I've never come across a job advertisement for a cat sitter before!

  17. Make Up

    You have made up this story!

  18. Look Forward To

    I am looking forward to seeing Janet again.

  19. Break Down

    Tom's computer broke down when he was writing his paper.

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