Philosophical Concepts and Thinkers: A Quiz

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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True or False

  1. Space and time are forms of sensibility and objects given in intuitions. T
  2. A unicorn is a simple idea, but horse and horn are complex as they result from sensations. F
  3. For Descartes, the mind is an infinite substance trapped in the finite body. F
  4. Since babies cannot count, quantity is learned and is not an a priori category of the understanding. T
  5. Reflections, for Locke, are acts of the mind while sensation provides ideas of the external world. T
  6. Kant believed self, cosmos, and God offer unity and completeness. T
  7. Although Kant argued that minds move towards wholeness, the way the mind analyzes raw data differs by culture. T
  8. While odor and taste are part of objects, motion depends on the observer. F
  9. The word empiricism is derived from the Greek word empeira, which means “sense.” F
  10. Descartes considered “sensations” part of the body’s extension. F
  11. Kantian noumena is independent of perceptions; phenomena are the things and the events within the world as a particular individual experiences it. T

Identify the Philosopher

  1. This person had five proofs for God’s existence. Aquinas
  2. The fool denies God. Anselm
  3. God must have existed as a logical prerequisite for having the idea. Descartes
  4. God as a perfect and infinite being would not use deception to fool us into believing that an outer reality does not exist when it does. Descartes
  5. This person used cosmological, henological, and teleological ideas to argue that God existed. Aquinas
  6. This person defined God as: “Something-than-which-nothing-greater-can-be-thought.” Anselm

Match the Philosophy

  1. Reality is divided into two parts: visible and invisible. Platonic Dualist
  2. Reason is the ultimate source of knowledge. Cartesian Rationalist
  3. The senses are the ultimate source of knowledge. Empiricist (Locke)
  4. The mind is structured to apprehend sense reality. Kantian Structuralism

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