Passive Voice: Transforming Sentences into the Passive Form
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Passive Voice: Transforming Sentences
Examples of Passive Voice Sentences
- The garages in my street are cleaned by us every day.
- A lot of money has been given to him (by someone).
- Two hundred people were arrested by the police.
- The words were written by Paul and the music was made by John.
- Every car engine is checked by us thoroughly.
- This computer is exported by us to seventy different countries.
- The factory was opened (by us) at nine o’clock.
- Two million books are sent (by them) to America every year.
- Two million books are sent by Macmillan to America every year.
- It is thought that the world’s climate is changing.
- It is said that car prices will rise next year.
Vocabulary: Health and Illness
1. Complete the sentences with the best options:
- Ruth had a stomach ache so she drank a lemon and honey drink.
- Hugh ate too many bananas and later he had a terrible flu.
- A mosquito bite isn’t serious, but you can put some cream on it.
- John had a bad cut on his hand so he had to have stitches.
2. Match the verbs to the definitions:
- Suffer: feel a lot of pain.
- Recover: get better from an illness or wound.
- Diagnose: say what the illness is.
- Prescribe: say which medicine to take.
- Treat: use medicine to cure.
3. Circle the correct alternatives:
- It’s important to treat illnesses early.
- Zoe made a very good recovery from her illness.
- My grandmother suffers from arthritis.
- Today, there are many new treatments for cancer.
- Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and you’ll recover quickly.
- The doctor gave her a prescription for antibiotics.
- Early diagnosis of an illness can prevent serious problems.
- It is terrible to see the suffering of others.
- Only doctors can prescribe some drugs.
4. Circle the correct alternatives:
- Wendy passed over the flu to her sister.
- It takes a long time to get over such a serious illness.
- I think I might have picked up a virus.
- Sandra didn’t come round until almost an hour after the operation.
- Antibodies fight off infections.
- The nurses looked after me very well when I was in hospital.
Doctor-Patient Conversation
Doctor: What are your symptoms?
Susan: Well, I have a temperature and a terrible headache. I also have a stomach ache.
Doctor: Oh dear. You’ve picked up a nasty bug. You should get better soon if you take this medicine that I’m going to prescribe for you.
Susan: No. Your body needs to fight off the illness, so you must take it easy and look after yourself. That way you’ll recover quickly.
Susan: OK. Thanks, Doctor.
Adjectives Related to Health
- Curable/incurable
- Painful/painless
- Hopeful/hopeless
- Predictable/unpredictable
- Harmful/harmless
- Avoidable/unavoidable
It’s important to clean things carefully to get rid of harmful bacteria.
Andy is hopeful that he might win at tennis. He is better than his opponent and playing well.
Nowadays, having a filling at the dentist’s is painless-It doesn’t hurt at all.
Amy’s win was unpredictable Everybody thought she was going to lose.
A lot of accidents are avoidable.People just need to be more careful.
Despite advances in modern medicine, some diseases are still incurable these days.