Navigating Culture, Safety, and Sports: Key Vocabulary
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Navigating Cultures
Concepts: Appropriate, Awkward, Culture Gap, Fit In, Foreign, Language Barrier, Manners, Misconception, Narrow-minded, Open-minded, Outlook, Roots, Rude, Sensitive, Straightforward, Subtle, Tend To
Text: Anxiety, Attempt To, Heritage, Long For, Lose Touch With, Overwhelming, Resentful, Stay Behind, Trembling, Untouched
Phrasal Verbs
- Call On
- Carry Out
- Dress Up
- Make Of
- Show Off
- Stand Up For
- Stick To
- Catch a Cold
- Catch by Surprise
- Catch Sight Of
- Catch Someone Red-Handed
- Catch Someone’s Eye
- Fall Asleep
- Fall Ill
- Fall in Love
- Fall into Place
- Fall Out of Favor
- Lose Count
- Lose One’s Nerve
Safety First
Concepts: Burn, Burn Down, Catch Fire, Choking, Collide, Concerned, Crash, Distract, Drown, Ensure, Faulty, Knock Over, Lifeguard, Safety Feature, Shallow, Slip, Sprain
Text: Come to a Halt, Cut Costs, Debris, Grab, Iron Out, Jam, Massive, Measure, Shut Down, Take Control, Worldwide
Safety and Danger
- At One’s Risk
- At Stake
- Close Call
- In Safe Hands
- Out of Danger
- Put in Danger
- Run the Risk
- To Be on the Safe Side
- Touch and Go
- Watch One Step
Afraid Of, Aware Of, Bad For, Curious About, Familiar With, Famous For, Fond Of, Good At, Indifferent To, Kind To, Opposed To, Protected From, Safe From, Shocked By
Concepts: Astounding, Award, Balance, Championship, Defeat, Drill, Feat, In Good Shape, Keep Fit, Leap, Opponent, Rank, Role Model, Runner-Up, Set-Back, Strike, Surpass
Text: Allowance, Asset, Eager, Harsh, Make It, Refrain From, Reluctant, Sacred, Take Off, Uncertain, Work One’s Way Up
Sports Idioms
- Get Ahead of the Game
- Jump the Gun
- Keep One’s Head Above Water
- Learn the Ropes
- Move the Goalposts
- On the Ball
- Par for the Course
- Roll with the Punches
- The Ball’s in One’s Court
- Win Hands Down