National Accounting in Different Economic Sectors

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1. National Product (NP)=∑ Added Value (AV), where the AV = (Sales – Purchases) + (Final Stock – Initial Stock) = (Sales – Purchases) + Stock Variation (SV).
2. National Expenditure (NE)= Consumption (C) + Investment (I)
If we differ between magnitudes in gross terms and net terms, we must consider that: Gross Magnitude = Net Magnitude + Depreciation (D). That's the reason why we consider Gross Investment (GI) = Net Investment (NI) + Depreciation (D)
3. National Income (Y) = Disposable Income ( Y^d ) + Saving from firms (Sf) = Consumption (C) + Saving from domestic economies (Sed) + Saving from firms (Sf)
With these previous relationships we can construct the main relationship that every close economy without public sector must meet to track successfully its National Accounting:
1) Y = C + Sed + Sf
2) NNE = NNP = Y = C + NI
C + Sed + Sf = C + NI → Sed + Sf = NI → Saving from Private Sector (Sed + Sf) = NI → Net Saving (NS) = NI
1. National Product (NP) = ∑ Added Value (AV), where the AV = (Sales – Purchases) + (Final Stock – Initial Stock) = (Sales – Purchases) + Stock Variation (SV).
2. National Expenditure (NE) = Consumption (C) + Investment (I) + Public Expenditure (PE)
We must include, as we have developed a framework for Public Sector, the difference between a magnitude computed at factor cost (fc) or a market price (mp):
Magnitude at factor cost = Magnitude at market price – Indirect Taxes (Ti) + Grants (Sb)
3. National Income (Y) = Disposable Income ( Y ) + Saving from firms (Sf) + Direct Taxes (Td) + Income from Public Sector (R) – Current Transfers (H)
With these previous relationships we can construct the main relationship that every close economy with public sector must meet to track successfully its National Accounting:
1) Y = Net National Product at factor cost (NNPfc) = C + Sed + Sf + Td + R – H NNPfc = NNPmp – Ti + Sb → NNPmp = Y + Ti – Sb = C + Sed + Sf + Td + R – H + Ti - Sb
2) NNEmp = NNPmp = C + NI + PE
C + Sed + Sf + Td + R – H + Ti – Sb = C + NI + PE → Sed + Sf + Td + R – H + Ti – Sb – PE = NI → (Sed + Sf) + [ (Td + Ti + R) – (PE + Sb + H)] = NI → Saving from Private Sector + Saving from Public Sector = NI → NS = NI
1. National Product (NP) = ∑ Added Value (AV), where the AV = (Sales – Purchases) + (Final Stock – Initial Stock) = (Sales – Purchases) + Stock Variation (SV).
In this kind of economy, we include the difference between National Magnitudes and International ones:
Magnitude at International Magnitude = Magnitude at National Magnitude + Income of National factors working out of the country – NonNational factors working in the country = Magnitude at National Magnitude + (rfne – rfen)
2. National Expenditure (NE) = Consumption (C) + Investment (I) + Public Expenditure (PE) + Exports (X) – Imports (V) = C + I + PE + (X-V)
3. National Income (Y) = Disposable Income ( Y ) + Saving from firms (Sf) + Direct Taxes (Td) + Income from Public Sector (R) – Current Transfers (H)
International Income (IY) = Disposable Income ( Y ) + Saving from firms (Sf) + Direct Taxes (Td) + Income from Public Sector (R) – Current Transfers (H) + International Current Transfers (Z)
4. Net Loan (S0) = (X – V) + (rfne – rfen) + Z + Capital Transfers (F)
With these previous relationships we can construct the main relationship that every open economy must meet to track successfully its National Accounting:
1) IY = NIPmp = NIEmp = C + Sed + Sf + Td + Ti + R – H – Z
2) Net International Product at market price (NIPmp) = Net International Expenditure at market price (NIEmp) = NNE + (rfne – rfen) = C + NI + PE + (X – V) + (rfne – rfen)
C + Sed + Sf + Td + Ti + R – H – Z = C + NI + PE + (X – V) + (rfne – rfen) →
Sed + Sf + Td + Ti + R – H – PE = NI + (X - V) + (rfne – rfen) + Z →
NS = NI + (X - V) + (rfne – rfen) + Z → NS + F = NI + (X - V) + (rfne – rfen) + Z + F → NS + F = NI + S0

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