Music Theory Fundamentals: A Quiz

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Multiple Choice Questions

1. In music, a sound that has a definite pitch is called a

a.  noise.         b. dynamic accent.     c.  sound.        d.  tone.

2.  The vibrations of brass instruments come from

a.  the vibrations of a string                b.            a single reed.

c.  the right hand of the musician.       d. the musician’s lips.

3.  The ___________ belongs to the woodwind family

        a. trumpet                    b. flute

c.  violin                     d. organ

4.  Which of the following percussion instruments have indefinite pitch?

        a. Snare drum              b. Chimes

c.  Tympani                d. Xylophone

5.  Which of the following is an example of a double-reed instrument?

        a. Saxophone              b. Clarinet

c.  Bassoon                 d. None of the above

6.   The act of playing a musical passage softly and gradually getting louder, it is called:

a.  crescendo          b. decrescendo        c. accent               d. accelerando

7.   Melody may be defined as

a.  an emotional focal point in a tune.

b.  a resting place at the end of a phrase.

c.  a series of single notes played one after another that add up to a recognizable whole.

d.  the organization of beats.

8.   If a flute player were to play a solo without any accompaniment, the texture would be

a.  contrapuntal.       b.   homophonic.         c.   monophonic.

9.   When two or more melodic lines are performed simultaneously, the texture is

a.  monophonic.        b.   homophonic.         c.   polyphonic.           d.   heterophonic.

10.  Homophonic texture consists of

a.  a single melodic line without accompaniment.

b.  one main melody accompanied by chords.

c.  two or more melodies of relatively equal interest performed simultaneously.

d.  two or more different versions of the same basic melody performed simultaneously.

11.  Timbre can be defined as:

            a. the quality of materials used in making an instrument

b. the distance between the highest and lowest tones that a given voice or instrument can play

c. The quality of sound or tone color that distinguishes one instrument from another.

            d. The sound a lumberjack makes when he cuts down a tree.

12.  When a musical passage is written as “Fortisimo,” it means the musician should play:

a. softly               b. loud              c. very loud                d. at medium volume

13.  The ____ has strings that are plucked by a set of plastic, leather, or quill wedges.

a.  piano          b. organ          c.  harpsichord             d. accordion

14.  The term ______ refers to the rate of speed of the beat of the music.

a.  meter         b.  syncopation           c.   tempo          d. dynamics

15.  A gradual slowing-down of tempo is indicated by the term

a.  accelerando           b. andante       c.  ritardando               d. crescendo

16.  A combination of tones that is considered stable and restful is called a

         a. consonance.          b. dissonance.           c. progression.            d. chord.

17.  A shift from one key to another within the same composition is called

a.  key.           b.  resolution.             c.   scale.         d.   modulation.

18.  A musical statement followed by a contrasting statement and then a return of the original statement would be called

         a. ternary form.        b. binary form.          c. free form.               d. double form.

19.  When string players play their instrument by plucking the stings with their fingers, the technique is called:

         a. arco.        b. double stops.          c. pizzacato.               d. vibrato.

20.  The medium vocal range for male vocalist is called ______.

         a. mezzo-soprano.        b. baritone.          c. tenor.               d. alto.

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