Music Theory Basics

Classified in Music

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How many pitch classes are in the chromatic scale?


Which Major scale is this one? (1)


The subdominant is Scale degree 4

What pitch is a whole step above B natural? C#

Describe the interval in the second box: (2)


Semibreve is synonymous with Whole note

Rhythm refers to Combination of sounds with different durations that flow around a beat

ABCBA is an example of Arch form

The French horn is A brass wind instrument.

Stringendo means Gradually getting faster.

What does secular music mean?

Any music not written for the church.

The melismatic is a style of singing in which

We sing each syllable of the text over more than five notes.

Kyrie is

An invariable portion of the mass that can be sung at any time throughout the year.

The chorus of a cantiga is

The catchiest part of the song that is repeated between verses.

This miniature from the collection of cantigas of Alfonso X is the medieval instrument… (3)


A quaver triplet is worth

1 beat.

A quaver triplet is

Three quavers in the time of two.

Label the picture with the correct term:(4)


Some of the most famous Spanish Renaissance composers are

Tomás Luis de Victoria and Mateo Flecha el Viejo.

What genre of Renaissance music is the following score? (5)


Loud Renaissance instruments were

Certain wind or percussion instruments appropriate for playing at celebrations held outside.

Renaissance dances were often composed in pairs as pavane and Galliard.

Renaissance instruments came in “families”, with sizes associated with the ranges of the human voices. This is the Recorder family.

This chord is in(7)

Root position.

This chord is in(8)

Second inversion.

What chord member is doubled (duplicated) in this chord?(9)

The root is doubled.

According to the figured bass signature, what pitches must appear above this note? (10)

C and F.

Identify the correct MAJOR key signature: (11)

F Major.

Arpeggio is

The notes of a chord played one at a time.

The D Major first degree contains the following notes:

D, F# and A.

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