Morphosyntactic, Phonic, and Lexical-Semantic Resources
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Morphosyntactic Resources
- Anaphora: Repetition of a word at the beginning of each verse.
- Parallelism: Repetition of structures.
- Anadiplosis: Repetition of the last word at the end and beginning of a verse.
- Concatenation: Several anadiplosis in a row.
- Epanadiplosis: Repetition of a word at the beginning and end of the verse.
- Pun: Repetition of words by reversing the order.
- Chiasmus: Repetition in which there is a cross-distribution of elements in the same structure.
- Hyperbaton: Changing the natural order of a sentence.
- Pun: Repetition of words that sound alike, and at least one of which is composed of two terms.
- Epithet: Adjective that expresses a quality of the accompanying noun.
- Pleonasm: Redundancy through repetition, i.e., adding unnecessary terms.
- Enumeration: Expression of a number of successive terms whose elements must belong to the same grammatical category.
Phonic Resources
- Alliteration: Repetition of one or more sounds very close.
- Onomatopoeia: Intent to imitate real sounds.
- Paronomasia: Repetition of very similar-sounding words.
Lexical-Semantic Resources
- Simile: Comparing two terms with a particle such as "as well as".
- Metaphor: Substitution of the name of a reality by the name of another to which it appears.
- Allegory: Chained metaphors that describe imaginary facts corresponding to real facts.
- Synonymy: Sequence of continuous or near synonyms.
- Synesthesia: Union of two realities that are perceived by different senses.
- Metonymy: Designation of a reality with the name of another that is related.
- Symbol: Expression referring to another reality.
- Hyperbole: Excessive exaggeration.
- Litotes: To deny otherwise is to state what is desired.
- Synecdoche: A particular type of metonymy that is the substitution of the name of one part by the whole.
- Personification: Attribution of human qualities to inanimate or unreal beings.
- Antithesis: Opposition of two opposites.
- Paradox: Expression of a thought that seems absurd.
- Gradation: Enumeration in ascending or descending order.
Literary Topics
- Colliege, virgo, rosas: A call for women to enjoy their youth before old age.
- Beatus ille: Contempt for material goods and praise of life away from social events.
- Golden mean: Advises to be placed in the middle.
- Locus amoenus: Description of a beautiful landscape.
- Ubi sunt?: The poet wonders about the whereabouts of those who have died.