Modal Verbs, Present Perfect, Past Simple, and Relative Clauses

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Modal Verbs

1. Ability

  • Present: Can/Can't (e.g., I can speak 3 languages)
  • Past: Could/Couldn't (e.g., I could play tennis when I was ten)

2. Advice

Should/Shouldn't (e.g., You should go to the doctor)

3. Obligation

  • Have to (has, had...): The obligation does not come from the subject. (e.g., She has to do it)
  • Must: The obligation comes from the subject. (e.g., You must study)

4. Lack of Obligation

Don't have to/Doesn't have to (e.g., You don't have to come, it's not necessary.)

5. Prohibition


  • You mustn't exceed the speed limit when you drive.
  • You mustn't insult your classmates.

6. Certainty

  • If I am sure it is true: Must (e.g., He must be rich)
  • If I am sure it is not true: Can't (e.g., He can't be your teacher, he's 19)
  • If I am not sure it is true: May (e.g., He may be out.)
  • If I am not sure it is not true: May not (e.g., He may not feel well.)

Present Perfect and Past Simple

Present Perfect

  • (+): Subject + have/has + past participle
  • (-): Subject + haven't/hasn't + past participle
  • (?): Have/Has + subject + past participle

Past Simple

  • (+): Subject + past simple verb
  • (-): Subject + didn't + base form verb
  • (?): Did + subject + base form verb + ?

Technology Vocabulary

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Relative Clauses

Defining Relative Clauses

They do not use commas, they join two sentences and define the subject so that we know who it refers to.

  • Who (person): The man who speaks English is...
  • Which (thing): The schools which are in cities are...
  • Where (place): The restaurant where I work is...
  • Whose (possessive): The man whose wife is...

Non-Defining Relative Clauses

They give extra information about the subject.

  • Ana, who is 19, likes pasta.
  • La Salle, which is 100 years old, is...
  • Benicarlo, where people ___, is...
  • John, whose dad is 90, lives...

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