Medieval philosophy as a confluence of faith and reason

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1. How Augustine understands the relationship between faith and reason?
The reason itself is not enough for alkane enough to reach the truth, because by nature is limited, weak and imperfect. Reason must submit to the faith. 2. What makes St. Augustine with Plato's philosophy? Explain. Theory of Knowledge. Adaptation of Plato to Christianity. Man must seek the truth in the outside, because the sensitivity is too unstable. Only in the interiority of the soul will find the sage wisdom. 3. What historical event promotes historical reflection of St. Augustine?
A) The two cities in a work of St. Augustine which was first carried out a philosophy of history. From 410, the pagans to Christianity accused of being responsible for the ruin of the empire: they withdraw from public affairs and potential are pacifists. Christians themselves are overwhelmed: if Rome was sinking "drag him to the Church? St. Augustine takes sides and pep talks. B) St. Augustine divides history into six ages, corresponding to the biblical six days of creation in the world. 4. Why is it important San Anselmo? Indicates the structure of the argument. The ontological argument or a priori demonstration of the existence of God. It is a priori
because no part of any fact of experience. Structure of argument:
a. Statement of the problem: it seems that God does not exist because the fool has said in his
Heart: no God. B. The starting point of the argument: the fool understands that there is something over which you can not think of anything more.
c. First step: the fool or atheist must accept that what exists in the means
d. Second step: but the maximum conceivable not only exists in the mind but also in the
reality. This is logical for the following reason: if the mind existed only in the most
would be a contradictory concept thinkable or unthinkable, something false.
It is contradictory
because the maximum imaginable would be overtaken by another mental maximum conceivable that
also exist in reality.
e. Conclusion: then there is no doubt in the mind and in reality, something greater than
which nothing can be thought. Anselm's argument was criticized by the Gaunilón
argue that the existence of mind is not a sufficient condition for the existence and effective.
He was subsequently rejected by Aquinas, Locke and Kant. By contrast, Descartes,
Leibniz and Hegel have incorporated it into his philosophical theories.
5. Thomas understands how the relationship between faith and reason?
Relationship between reason and faith.
Natural reason must be put to "service of faith". Philosophy is the handmaiden of theology
6. What does St. Thomas with Aristotle's philosophy? Explain. Thomas Aquinas adopts the principles of Aristotelianism Aristotelianism but does not accept in full as they contain anti-Christian elements as the affirmation of the eternity of the world or the non-immortality of the soul.
7. Ockham understands how the relationship between faith and reason? Explain. Ockham is no longer a systematic thinker, but above all criticism. And his lead to become independent critical philosophy, which is free to tackle other issues, firstly the issue of Nature. Thanks to science Ockham gained new momentum in the fourteenth century and already announced what will be the Renaissance philosophy.

8.Señala fundamental principles of Ockham's thought, and explain, so read your explanation, I grasp that you student, has understood the meaning of each.1. Principle of economy.
2. Everything that exists is unique. There is one thing equal to another ie everything is unique. 3. Priority of experience, or intuitive knowledge. It refers to what exists can see and touch, etc. Count. 4.Nominalismo.Dice not believe there was someone unique. 5. He criticizes the traditional metaphysics. He says there's a supreme God exists and certainly not in eternal life. 6. Voluntarismo.Segun Ochame God, your God, is in all parties and present. Policy Doctrine 7. For separating the spiritual from the temporal. 8 His critique of Aristotle's philosophy. Does not consider this as a word is untouchable authority considers it one more. 9. What constitutes the Renaissance: The Renaissance was a cultural phenomenon originated in Italy during the XV and XVI. Means moving into the modern age through the recovery of the Greco-Roman culture. 10 What are the major areas of Humanism: Humanism and utopias, Neoplatonism, political philosophy and theory of science.
11. What features characterize the Renaissance Humanism?
Recover the classical texts.
They are also "universal man," for them that all knowledge are linked and form a harmony, being the language that unites everything.
The humanist values, above all, the man as a natural and aims to unify all religions.
It also appreciates the active life.
Humanism is an aesthetic, an ethics and wisdom of life.
It's impressive reading of this intellectual biography.
The main humanists Erasmus and Thomas More.
12. Who are the authors who write Utopias: Thomas More. Inventor of the word "utopia". Describes a society where there is no private property.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626). Or scientific utopia, "New Atlantis". The ruling elite of the country without
count on the people.
Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639). Or the total communism: The City of the sun.
13. Points to observe the commonalities among the three utopias, and also highlights the differentiating features.

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