Medieval Music History: Origins to the Mystery of Elche

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The Intangible Art of Music

Music is an intangible art that is transmitted through the air and does not remain as other arts do. Little is known of the writing of music in ancient civilizations, with information gleaned from archaeological remains.

The Origins of Musical Notation

Musical notation has its origins in the monasteries of the Middle Ages, where the Greek theory of music was collected. Alphabetic writing can be represented as ABC, and diastematic notation as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La. A score is a graphical representation of a musical composition.

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is the historical period that begins with the fall of the Roman Empire and lasts until the fifteenth century.

Medieval Church Music

Church music consisted of melodies based on Greek modes. These melodies are short and follow the rhythm of the text. The notation is pneumatic, so named because each note is indicated with a pneuma.

The Function of Music

The primary function of music was religious, used in praise of God.

Recognizing Medieval Music

Medieval music is primarily vocal. Instruments either replace or accompany the voices. Medieval music also includes secular songs and dances of troubadours and minstrels.

Cantigas de Santa Maria

The Cantigas de Santa Maria are attributed to King Alfonso X the Wise, a poet and musician whose nickname is due to the high cultural momentum developed in his court. In the ballads, there are many texts referring to events in the Valencian community. They recount how young children become healthy at the sanctuary of Santa Maria, and various adventures are narrated.

Medieval Instruments

In the Middle Ages, music was mainly vocal. Instruments were used to accompany the songs of minstrels and troubadours in dances or to replace the voices in secular music. The instruments used by the troubadours included plucked strings and percussion. Some wind instruments were also known.

The Mystery of Elche

The Mystery of Elche is a medieval musical play that has been performed annually for centuries at the Basilica of Santa Maria in the city of Elche on August 14th and 15th. It narrates the death, assumption into heaven, and coronation of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.

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