Medical Terminology Prefixes and Their Meanings
Classified in Biology
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Number and Quantity Prefixes
- Mono-, Uni- (one):
- Monodiplopia: Double vision that occurs only in one eye.
- Unilateral: Confined to one side only.
- Bi-, Di- (two, twice, double):
- Diplopia: Double vision.
- Bilateral: Affecting two sides.
- Tri- (three):
- Trigeminal nerve: The fifth cranial nerve, providing sensory innervation to the face, divided into three main branches.
- Quad-, Quadra-, Tetra- (four):
- Quadrant: Areas divided for descriptive purposes into quadrants.
- Tetradactyl: Having four fingers or toes on a hand or foot.
- Multi- (many):
- Multicellular: Composed of many cells.
- Poly- (too much, many):
- Polyuria: Excessive excretion of urine.
- Hemi-, Semi- (half or partly):
- Hemiplegia: Paralysis of one side of the body.
- Semicomatose: State of drowsiness and inaction, requiring more than ordinary stimulation to evoke a response.
Other Common Prefixes
- Hyper- (excessive, more than normal):
- Hyperemesis: Excessive vomiting.
- Hypertension: High blood pressure.
- Hypo- (beneath or below normal):
- Hypothermia: Core body temperature below the normal range.
- Hypotension: Low blood pressure.
- Nulli- (none):
- Nulliparity: Not having given birth to a child.
- Pan- (all):
- Panarthritis: Inflammation of all parts of a joint.
- Primi- (first):
- Primigravida: A woman during her first pregnancy.
- Ab- (away from):
- Abduct: Movement of a limb away from the median plane of the body.
- Ad- (towards):
- Adduct: Movement of a limb toward the median plane of the body.
- Ante- (before, in front of):
- Antecubital: In front of the elbow.
- Ambi- (both, both sides or around):
- Ambidextrous: Able to work equally well with either hand.
- Peri- (around):
- Periarterial: Surrounding an artery.
- Dia- (through):
- Diathermy: Therapeutic use of electromagnetic energy to generate heat within a body part.
- Ento- (inside, within):
- Entocornea: The posterior limiting membrane of the cornea.
- Meta- (beyond):
- Metacarpal: Beyond the carpals.
- Epi- (above, upon):
- Epigastrium: The superior central portion of the abdomen.
- Hypo-, Infra-, Sub- (beneath, under):
- Inframammary fold: Zone on the chest wall below the female breast.
- Subclavian: Below the clavicle.
- Ecto- (outer):
- Ectoderm: Outer layer of cells in a developing embryo.
- E-, Ex-, Exo- (out of, outside):
- Eversion: Turning outward.
- En-, Endo- (inside):
- Endocarditis: Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
- Extra- (outside of, beyond):
- Extrahepatic: Located outside of or unrelated to the liver.
- Inter- (between):
- Intercostal: Between the ribs.
- Intra- (within):
- Intravenous: Within a vein.
- Para- (near, beside):
- Parathyroid: Adjacent to the thyroid gland.
- Per- (through or by means):
- Percutaneous: Passage of substances through the skin.
- Re- (back, again):
- Reduce: Surgical procedure to place back into a preferred position after fracture or dislocation.
- Retro- (behind or backward):
- Retrosternal: Behind the breastbone.
- Super-, Supra- (above, beyond):
- Superficial: On or near the surface.
- Suprarenal: A location above each kidney.
- Syn- (joined, together):
- Syndactylism: Webbing of the fingers or toes.
- De- (away, take away):
- Dehydrate: To become free of water.
- Trans- (across):
- Transection: Cutting across.
- Pre- (before):
- Predisposition: The potential to develop a disease or condition.
- Post- (after):
- Postmortem: Occurring after death.
- Macro- (large):
- Macrocephaly: Abnormally large size of the head.
- Micro- (small):
- Microdontism: Disproportionately small teeth.
- A-, An- (without):
- Anoxia: Absence of oxygen.
- In- (not):
- Inoperable: Unsuitable for surgery.
- Pseudo- (false):
- Pseudoarthrosis: A new, false joint arising at the site of an ununited fracture.
- Un- (not):
- Unconscious: Not conscious.
- Anti-, Contra- (against):
- Antiseptic: Agent capable of preventing the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.
- Contraindication: A symptom or circumstance that makes treatment unsafe or inappropriate.
- Dys- (difficult, painful):
- Dysphagia: Difficulty in swallowing.
- Eu- (good or normal):
- Eupnea: Normal, unimpaired respiration.
- Mal- (bad):
- Malalignment: Displacement from a normal position.
- Hydro- (water):
- Hydrocephalus: Accumulation of excessive cerebrospinal fluid within the brain ventricles.
- Hydrophobia: Fear of water; property of repelling water molecules.
- Ortho- (straight, correct):
- Orthopedics: Branch of medicine dealing with the correction of locomotor structure disorders.
- Brady- (slow):
- Bradycardia: A slow heartbeat, with a pulse rate below 60 beats per minute in an adult.
- Tachy- (fast):
- Tachycardia: Rapid heart rate of over 100 beats per minute.
Color, Condition and Other Prefixes
- Albin/o- (white):
- Albinism: Inherited partial or total absence of pigment in skin, hair, and eyes.
- Chlor/o- (green):
- Chloroplast: Small green cell organelle in plants, site of photosynthesis.
- Cyan/o- (blue):
- Acrocyanosis: Bluish discoloration of the extremities.
- Erythr/o- (red):
- Erythrocyte: Red blood cell that carries oxygen to tissue.
- Xanth/o- (yellow):
- Xanthopia: Optic condition causing objects to appear yellow.
- Poli/o- (gray):
- Poliomyelitis: Inflammatory process involving the gray matter of the spinal cord.
- Crypt/o- (hidden):
- Cryptorchid: Failure of one or both testes to descend.
- Lipo- (fat):
- Lipoma: Benign tumor consisting of mature fat cells.