Matter Classification and Structure: Types and Properties
Classified in Chemistry
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Classification of Matter
Matter is classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous according to its appearance.
- Homogeneous: It looks the same everywhere.
- Heterogeneous: It does not have the same aspect throughout.
Classification of Substances
Substances can be classified according to their material composition into pure substances or mixtures.
- Pure substances: Are formed by a single substance.
Classification of Pure Substances
Pure substances are classified into chemical elements and compounds
- Chemical Elements: Are pure substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler ones.
- Compounds: Are pure substances that can be decomposed into simpler ones.
- Mixtures: A mixture is formed by several pure substances. Mixtures have no fixed composition.
Separation of Mixing Techniques
These techniques separate components of a mixture because each component has a property different from the others. The methods used are:
- Sedimentation
- Filtration
- Solvent Extraction
- Crystallization
- Distillation
- Decanting: Used for separating heterogeneous mixtures. It consists of separating two liquids that do not mix.
- Filtration: Used to separate heterogeneous mixtures. It consists of separating a solid from a liquid in which it is suspended.
- Solvent Extraction: Used for separating homogeneous mixtures. It consists of separating one component of a mixture by dissolving it in an added solvent.
- Crystallization: Used for separating homogeneous mixtures. It involves separating solids from a liquid in which it is dissolved by crystallizing a solid.
- Distillation: Used for separating a homogeneous mixture. It consists of separating two liquids by boiling the mixture in a flask.
Structure of Matter
Matter is made up of smaller particles called atoms. The atom is made up of smaller particles, which are protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Kinetic Model of Matter
It is a theory that explains the properties and behavior of matter, the different states of matter, and changes in state.
- Solid state: The particles are linked in rigid forms.
- Liquid state: Particles are less united.
- Gaseous state: The particles are widely separated and can move freely.