Mastering English: Time, Word Building, Connectors
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Mastering English: Time, Word Building, and Connectors
Time Vocabulary and Expressions
Verbs related to time:
- Give: dar
- Have: tener
- Kill: matar
- Make up for: compensar
- Run out of: quedarse sin
- Save: guardar
- Spare: sobrante
- Take: tomar
- Take up: absorber
- Waste: perder
Prepositions of Time:
- At: en
- Before: antes
- By: por
- For: para
- From: desde
- In: dentro de
- Off: apagado
- On: sobre
- To: a
Common Time Expressions:
- With time to spare: con tiempo de sobra
- The whole time: todo el tiempo
- Time's up: se acabó el tiempo
- Short of time: poco tiempo
- I've got time on my hands: tengo el tiempo en mis manos
- For the time being: siendo por el momento
- A question of time: una cuestión de tiempo
- A long time ago: hace mucho tiempo
- There isn't much time left: no queda mucho tiempo
- The time next week: la hora de la próxima semana
Language Terminology
- Collocation: colocación
- Colloquial
- An idiom
- A metaphor: metáfora
- A phrasal verb
- Register
- Slang
- A synonym
Word Building: Abstract Nouns
- Childhood: infancia
- Adulthood: edad adulta
- Neighbourhood: barrio
- Membership: número de miembros
- Friendship: amistad
- Partnership: asociación
- Boredom: aburrimiento
- Freedom: libertad
- Wisdom: sabiduría
- Sadness: tristeza
- Illness: enfermedad
- Kindness: amabilidad
- Happiness: felicidad
- Celebration: celebración
- Competition: competición
- Imagination: imaginación
- Shame: vergüenza
- Belief: creer
- Death: muerte
- Hatred: odio
- Loss: pérdida
- Poverty: pobreza
- However, Nevertheless: tot i que
- Despite: malgrat
- In spite of the fact: a pesar de que
- Although: aunque
- Besides, Moreover, Furthermore: a más a más
- Not only: no solo
- Due to, Owing to: debido a
- Because of: porque
- Because, As, Since: como que
- So, Therefore, As a reason: por tanto
- This is why, Consequently, For this reason: por esto
- So as to, In order to, So that: para
- Such as: como puede ser...
- Regarding: respecto a
- As far as: por lo que respecta a...
- In brief: en resumen
- To sum up: para finalizar
Grammar Note
Inverted sentences with "Not only" follow this structure:
Not only did he have...
Not only does he have...
Note: "Have" in the negative form uses "Does".
Speech Conclusion
Our speaker today is well known to all of us. With this speech, I hope I have been able to clarify all your questions about...