Mastering English Grammar: Passive Voice, Causative, and More
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Passive Voice
- Active: The secretary types the letter.
- Passive: The letters are typed by the secretary.
- Future Simple: Will type / Will be typed
- Past Simple: Typed / Were typed
- Modal: Can type / Can be typed
- Present Continuous: Am/is/are being + past participle
- Present Perfect Simple: Have / has been + past participle
Impersonal Voice
- It is thought/said/believed + that...
- Subject + is considered/thought/said + to be...
The Causative (get/have + object + verb 3rd form)
Often associated with professions. Changes depending on the verbal tenses.
Ex: The painters painted my house / I had my house painted by the painters.
Wish Clauses
- Wish + subject + past simple (about the future): Not reality, but you want it to happen. Ej: I wish I were a rich man.
- Wish + could + infinitive (about the future): Ej: I wish we could go to the beach this weekend.
- Wish + conditional simple (an annoying situation): Ej: I wish they would stop making that noise.
- Wish + past perfect (regret): Already happened. Ej: I wish I hadn't told him my secret.
I wish = If only
Relative Clauses
Relative pronouns: Who or that / which or that / whose / whom / where / when / why
Defining Clauses
- Essential information.
- We can use "that" instead of "who" or "which."
Ej: The boy who lives next door is a tennis player.
* The relative pronouns can be omitted in some cases: The task the teacher corrected was really hard.
Non-Defining Clauses
- Extra information.
- We use commas around them.
- "That" is NOT an option.
- The relative pronouns cannot be omitted.
Ej: María, who won a medal last year, is going to take part in the marathon.
Zero Conditional: If + present simple - present simple
- Facts.
- It always happens.
Ej: If I drink coffee, I don't sleep.
First Conditional: If + present simple - will + infinitive
- Probable situations.
Ej: If I stay at home tonight, I will watch series.
Second Conditional: If + past simple - would + infinitive
- Not probable situations.
- Unreal situations.
- Hypothesis.
- Advice.
Ej: If I won the lottery, I would travel around Europe. Advice: If I were you, I would order a pizza.
Third Conditional: If + past perfect (had + verb 3rd form) - would have + verb 3rd form
- Regrets.
- Past situations.
Ej: If I had studied, I wouldn't have failed the exam.
English Tenses
- Present: simple - I do / continuous - I am doing / perfect - I have done / perfect continuous - I have been doing.
- Past: simple - I did / continuous - I was doing / perfect - I had done / perfect continuous - I had been doing.
- Future: simple - I will do / continuous - I will be doing / perfect - I will have done / perfect continuous - I will have been doing.