Mastering English: Essential Vocabulary and Modal Verbs

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Essential English Vocabulary

Here's a list of useful English words and phrases, along with their meanings:

  • To put off: To postpone or delay
  • Stage: A step or phase in a process
  • Prompt: On time or before the expected time
  • Deadline: The last day or time by which something must be done
  • Rush hour: Peak time when traffic is heaviest
  • Sharp: Exactly on time (e.g., 9 o'clock sharp)
  • Timing: The ability to do something at the right moment
  • In a hurry: To be rushed or have a sense of urgency
  • Plenty: A lot of; a large quantity
  • Brief: Short in duration
  • On time: Punctual; at the scheduled time
  • At a time: At a particular moment
  • Downtime: A period when you are less busy or doing fewer things
  • Sidetracked: To be distracted from your main task
  • Drag on: To continue for too long, making something seem endless
  • At short notice: With little advance warning or time to prepare
  • Keep to schedule: To follow a timetable or plan
  • Selfish: Egoistic; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure
  • Tip: Advice or a small sum of money given for a service
  • Willpower: The strength of will to carry out one's decisions or plans
  • Thrill: A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
  • Maybe: Perhaps; possibly
  • Task: A piece of work to be done or undertaken
  • Fallacy: A mistaken belief; a lie
  • Actually: In fact; in reality
  • Rather than: Instead of; in preference to
  • On your own: By yourself; independently
  • Whether: Expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives; if
  • Deserve: To be worthy of something
  • Disturb: To bother or interrupt
  • Mad: Crazy; insane
  • Drives you mad: To make someone very angry or annoyed
  • Take into account: To consider something
  • Slip up: To make a mistake
  • Juggle: To manage multiple tasks or activities at the same time
  • Adrenaline rush: A sudden burst of energy and excitement
  • Take your time: Don't hurry; proceed at your own pace
  • Had the time of my life: To have had a very enjoyable experience
  • Time is up: The allotted time has finished
  • For the time being: For now; temporarily
  • Stands out: To be noticeable or prominent
  • Wake up: To stop sleeping and become conscious
  • Call off: To cancel
  • Go by: To pass
  • Get back: To return
  • Bring about: To cause something to happen
  • Get by: To survive or manage with difficulty
  • Barely: Hardly; scarcely
  • Count in: To include someone in an activity or plan
  • Goes off: To explode or be activated (e.g., an alarm)

Understanding Modal Verbs

Examples and Exercises

Let's practice using modal verbs correctly:

  1. You can't have seen Louise in town. She's away in Scotland.
  2. I don't envy him. It can't be easy having three jobs.
  3. I'm sorry, but would you repeat that?
  4. It must have rained last night. The street's wet.
  5. You needn't have driven me home. I could have walked.
  6. He must have forgotten about the meeting. It happens all the time.
  7. You should go to the doctor as soon as possible. You don't look well!
  8. You don't have to wash the dishes. I've already done it.
  9. I'm so cold standing here. I should have brought warmer clothes.

Choose the Correct Modal Verb

  • I shouldn't have stayed up so late.
  • I'm sure you must have seen this film.
  • I can't afford to get a large-screen TV. It's too expensive.
  • They can't have sold all the tickets yet! The venue is huge!
  • It might rain tomorrow.
  • We must finish the costumes.
  • You mustn't bring glass bottles into the venue. It's against the rules.
  • I don't think you should see the film until you've read the book.

Choose the Correct Answer

  1. That can't be her. She's away on holiday. But that girl really resembles her.
  2. You mustn't use your mobile phone here.
  3. Could I have a glass of water, please?
  • In my opinion, she ought to leave her job. She hates it.
  • We shouldn't give the dog so much food.
  • They might share a flat again next year.
  • She was glad that she didn't have to work on her own.
  • You must be so hungry! Have some of these disgusting chips.

Complete the Sentences

  • He had to wear a hat to the party last week. It wasn't voluntary.
  • How much did you have to pay yesterday for the meal?
  • You mustn't make a noise. There's an exam in room fifteen.
  • Next week we must go to the library to give back the book.
  • You mustn't play loud music late at night.
  • It's Saturday tomorrow, so he won't get up early.
  • Registration is at eight twenty. You mustn't be late.
  • How many exams did she have to take last year?
  • Why did they have to go to the airport so early?
  • My sister had to apply for a new passport last month.

Choose from Multiple Options

  1. Sorry, but I won't be able to fix your computer.
  2. We don't have to study French. It's not compulsory.
  3. I'm not sure who sent me this message, but it might have been Dave.
  4. You shouldn't have said that about her. It was rude.
  5. There are no more tickets left! We should have bought some yesterday!
  6. You can't be serious! No one will agree to that.
  7. You couldn't have seen this film in 2019. It wasn't released until 2020.
  8. In my opinion, Madison ought to take part in the school play. She's a great actress.

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