Mastering Basic English Grammar and Vocabulary
Classified in Music
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- Turn right: Girar a la derecha
- Turn left: Girar a la izquierda
- Go straight on: Sigue recto
- Past the supermarket: Pasa el supermercado
- Cross the road: Cruza la carretera
- Take the first street on your right: Coge la primera calle a la derecha
Maria Rossi
Personal Information
- Age: 25
- Residence: Milan, Italy
- Marital Status: Married
- Profession: Pop singer (8 years)
- Interests: Music, golf, and painting
- Song Title: You Alone
Grammar: Future Tense with "Going To"
Example: I am going to swim. She is going to the cinema.
Example: Are you going to play football? Is Carmen going to have lunch in Burlada?
Example: I am not going to have lunch today.
Telling Time
On the Hour
- It's 3 o'clock: Son las 3 en punto
- It's 4 o'clock: Son las 4 en punto
Half Past
- It's half past 3: Son las 3 y media
- It's half past 5: Son las 5 y media
Quarter Past
- It's quarter past 3: Son las 3 y cuarto
- It's quarter past 6: Son las 6 y cuarto
Other Times
- 3:05: It's five past 3
- 3:10: It's ten past 3
- 3:20: It's twenty past 3
- 3:25: It's twenty-five past 3
- 2:45: It's quarter to 3
- 3:55: It's five to 4
- 3:50: It's ten to 4
- 3:40: It's twenty to 4
- 3:35: It's twenty-five to 4
AM and PM
- p.m.: por la tarde/noche
- a.m.: por la mañana
Dates and Time Vocabulary
Days, Months, and Seasons
- On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- In: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
- In: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Times of Day
- In: Morning, afternoon, evening
- At: Night
Table Setting Vocabulary
- Set the table: Poner la mesa
- Glass: Vaso
- Salt/pepper pot: Salero/pimentero
- Dinner plate: Plato trinchero
- Ashtray: Cenicero
- Fork: Tenedor
- Napkin: Servilleta
- Knife: Cuchillo
- Slipcloth: Muleton
- Side plate: Plato de pan
- Soup spoon: Cuchara sopera
- Tablecloth: Mantel
- Dessert spoon: Cuchara de postre
- Soup bowl: Plato sopero
- Teapot: Tetera
- Saucer: Platillo
- Sugar pot: Azucarero
- Coffee pot: Cafetera
- Tray: Bandeja
- Milk jug: Jarra de leche
- Rolls: Panecillo de pan