Managing Cardiovascular Disease Risk Through Dietary Changes

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If a patient has a family history of cardiovascular disease and is concerned about his own level of risk, the most useful measurements would be serum triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels

If gangrene develops in a patient's foot and the patient is found to have high blood lipid levels, he or she probably has peripheral artery disease.

If a patient has a thrombosis in a cerebral artery, he or she would experience a stroke.

A patient who would be likely to have elevated serum triglyceride levels is a(n) overweight man who drinks three alcoholic beverages a day.

The primary goal of therapy to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease is to lower serum levels of _____ cholesterol. LDL

In a 55-year-old woman, an LDL cholesterol level of 195 mg/dL would be considered very high

A serum triglyceride level of 175 mg/dL is considered borderline high

For a person who is implementing therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLCs) to reduce his or her risk of coronary heart disease, the best salad choice would be mixed greens with olive oil vinaigrette and walnuts

Of the following, the most helpful change to decrease blood LDL cholesterol levels would be to eat oatmeal instead of a bagel for breakfast.

The most beneficial change for him to make to lower his LDL cholesterol levels would be to eat a turkey sandwich with 100% whole-grain bread instead of grilled cheese

A dietary change that is likely to have a significant effect on reducing the risk of coronary heart disease is switching from cornflakes to oatmeal for breakfast.

The first step in therapy to reduce the risk for coronary heart disease is therapeutic lifestyle change

If a patient has an initial LDL cholesterol level of 180 mg/dL and implements TLC dietary changes, and if after 6 weeks the serum LDL cholesterol level has decreased only to 165 mg/dL, the patient should continue TLC dietary changes for a total of 3 months

Primary or essential hypertension is caused by unknown factors

If a patient's blood pressure is 152/94 mm Hg, he or she has stage 1 hypertension

An example of a dietary change that may help decrease risk of hypertension is drinking skim milk instead of soda

If a middle-aged man has high blood pressure, has a sedentary lifestyle, is about 30 pounds overweight, eats mostly processed food, and drinks two alcoholic beverages most days, the most effective way for him to lower his blood pressure is to achieve and maintain a healthy weight

In the United States, most dietary sodium comes from salt added to foods during processing

The main purpose of nutrition therapy for patients who have just experienced a myocardial infarction is to decrease the workload of the heart

If a patient had a myocardial infarction on Monday, by Thursday he or she should be eating small, frequent meals

The patient who benefit most from a sodium restriction of 2000 mg/day is one with severe heart failure

If a patient with congestive heart failure tells you that he or she is being careful to eat high-protein foods throughout the day, you would also want to encourage him or her to ensure that his or her overall energy intake is adequate.

The best time to begin to adopt heart-healthy eating habits is during childhood, to establish a lifelong healthy lifestyle

Compared with a comparable regular food, a food product that claims to be 'light' must contain _____% fewer kilocalories, or _____% less fat.33; 50

If a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has lost 30 lb in a year and now weighs 132 lb (60 kg), the amount of protein they would need to replenish their protein stores is _____ g/day. 96 to 150

If a patient with COPD normally eats a sandwich for lunch and wants to decrease his or her respiratory quotient (RQ), he or she couldadd extra mayonnaise and remove some of the bread.

If a patient with cystic fibrosis has diarrhea and is losing weight, it would be most important to evaluate whether the pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is adequate

Most patients with cystic fibrosis require a high-kilocalorie diet, multivitamin supplements, and enzyme replacement therapy

One of the most important strategies for coping with the reality of a serious chronic disease such as cystic fibrosis is having a sense of humor.

For an infant with cystic fibrosis, the greatest concern would be if the mother wanted to breastfeed without using enzyme supplements.

If a ventilator-dependent patient with acute respiratory failure does not receive sufficient protein and energy from enteral feedings, the most serious consequence is that the chest muscles may not be strong enough for weaning from the ventilator

When using parenteral nutrition support for patients with acute respiratory failure, it is important to avoid use of high glucose concentrations because they increase RQ.

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