Management: Purpose, Objectives, and Evolution

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Purpose and Objectives of Management

The purpose of management is to improve an organization's productive contributions. It is responsible from an ethical, social, and strategic standpoint. An administrative objective is a goal that requires a defined action. Orientation suggests extra effort for a leader.

Purpose of Administration

Achieving common goals through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling activities, and using resources to satisfy the needs of a society.

Importance of Administration

  • Basics: Universality, simplification of work, productivity and efficiency, common good.
  • It gives effect to human efforts.
  • It helps to get the best staff, equipment, materials, money, and human relationships.
  • It provides foresight and creativity.
  • Continuous improvement is its slogan.

Agustin Reyes Ponce on Management

  • It occurs wherever there is an organization.
  • The success of a company is due to good administration.
  • For big businesses, scientific management is essential.
  • For small and medium enterprises, the best way to compete is through the improvement of their management and better coordination with human resources.

Objective Inquiries of Administration

  • Administration rate is applied to the company.
  • Adequate administration raises productivity.
  • Administrative technical efficiency is indisputable and essential.
  • In small and medium businesses, a unique opportunity to compete is applying administration.

Administrative Thought Through Time

Ancient Administration

  • Egyptians, Hebrews: Decentralization of the organization, recognition of written orders.
  • Hammurabi: Written testimonials, established wage control.
  • Nebuchadnezzar: Control of production and salary incentives.
  • Mencius (Chinese): Recognition of standards.
  • Socrates: Recognition of human relationships.
  • Cyrus (Persia): Study of demoted material handling.
  • Plato: "Principle".

Middle Ages

  • Decentralization of government.
  • Administrative evolution of ideas was consolidated.
  • The Catholic Church, for its unusual organization and operation.
  • Lucas Paccioli: Double-entry bookkeeping method.
  • Francesco di Marco: Accounting practices.
  • Soranzo Brothers: Use of journal and ledger.
  • Arsenal of Venice: Cost accounting and inventory control.

Modern Age

  • Cameralistic Austria: Administrative movement, emphasized certain principles, selected administrative and personnel training, specialization in functions, and establishment of administrative controls.

Contemporary Age

  • Scientific Administration (Taylor): In the early twentieth century, the science of administrative theory arose: scientific administration, bureaucratic theory, classical, structuralist human relations, systems, neoclassical, behavioral, organizational contingency.

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