Machiavelli's Political Philosophy and Key Concepts in Governance

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Machiavelli's Political Philosophy

What Characteristics Did Machiavelli Attribute to Government?

  • A ruler must not prioritize the perceived goodness of people.
  • To govern effectively, a ruler may need to act against conventional notions of charity.
  • A ruler must act independently, discerning what is truly beneficial or detrimental, according to the circumstances.

Note: Machiavelli's use of terms like "inhuman" or "infidel" should be understood within the historical context of his time and may not reflect modern ethical standards.

What is the Relationship Between Ethics and Politics According to Machiavelli?

Machiavelli posits that ethics and politics are entirely separate. He emphasizes political realism, suggesting that political action often necessitates pragmatism over ethical considerations.

Key Concepts in Governance

Civil Society

Civil society denotes the collective of individuals who are not part of the state government. They are organized into various associations, such as unions, NGOs, and religious or cultural groups, to advocate for their interests. A well-organized civil society can significantly influence public opinion and governmental decisions.

The State

The state is a socio-political and economic organization characterized by:

  1. A defined territory
  2. A supreme authority responsible for lawmaking and administration
  3. A population living under a unified legal framework
  4. A legal organization that enforces these laws

Rule of Law

The rule of law extends power as a means of protecting citizens' rights. In a state governed by the rule of law, both power and activity are regulated and controlled by law.


  1. Rule of law as an expression of the general will
  2. Separation of powers into legislative, executive, and judicial branches
  3. Legality of administration, ensuring any public activity has formal and material guarantees
  4. Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms

Political Party

A political party is an organization that advocates for and represents a specific ideology, aiming to participate in elections.


A referendum is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new law.

Passive Abstention

Passive abstention refers to the act of refraining from participating in a vote by not going to the polls.

Active Abstention

Active abstention is the sum of blank or void votes, often expressing disapproval of all presented candidates.


Opposition parties are those not in government. They play a crucial role in scrutinizing and controlling the government's actions. Their existence is legally protected in democratic regimes.

Constitutional Values, Principles, and Rights

  1. Constitutional values include political freedom, equality, and political pluralism.
  2. These values serve as foundational pillars for Spain as a state.
  3. They represent democratic ideals.
  4. These values are the basis of fundamental rights.
  5. They are universally accepted as valid.
  6. Their protection is enshrined in law.
  7. Respect for these values is fundamental to a legitimate democracy.


The constitution comprises the fundamental norms that underpin a state's political and legal framework. It is the supreme law governing the coexistence of citizens. In Spain, the current constitution is a product of political consensus. The Constitutional Court is the highest authority ensuring the constitutionality of all laws and regulations.

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