Literary Devices: Metaphor, Antithesis, Personification

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A metaphor identifies a word with another, replacing an idea with a more expressive one. If a comparison uses a comparative link (such as "like" or "as"), it becomes a metaphor.

  • The cypress is a water fountain.
  • The sigh escaping from your strawberry mouth. (Strawberry = red and sweet.)

Sometimes, the actual term of the metaphor appears; this is a pure metaphor.

  • The sweet mouth that invites you to taste a joke among distilled pearls...

"Pearls" is a metaphor for "teeth".


Antithesis relates two words that oppose each other.

  • Sleep was yesterday; tomorrow is land!
  • Shortly before, nothing, and shortly after, smoke!

It was - is, sleep - land, yesterday - morning, shortly before - shortly after. Opposing words are used to attract attention.

Personification (Prosopopoeia)

Personification attributes human qualities to inanimate or irrational beings.

With my stones, soften their natural hardness and break; the trees seem to bend; birds that are heard when singing, with a different voice, condole, and I guess I die singing.


An epithet uses adjectives, usually placed before nouns, to add liveliness and color, but they do not add any new meaning.

  • For you, the green grass, the cool wind,
  • white lily and pink,
  • sweet spring wanted.


Hyperbaton changes the normal order of words in a sentence.

  • This, then, yawn formidable land the melancholy emptiness.

The logical order would be: "The melancholic yawning emptiness of this formidable land."


Anaphora repeats a word or words at the beginning of sentences.

  • I left for you my woods...
  • I stopped trembling, I left a jolt.
  • I left my shadow...
  • I left sad doves near a river.
  • I stopped to smell the sea, I stopped seeing you.


Asyndeton is the deliberate suppression of conjunctions or links connecting sentences or words.

  • Come, run, fly,
  • high mountain passes, took the plain,
  • not forgive the spur,
  • not give peace at hand,
  • withering wag iron ins


Polysyndeton is the union of several sentences or words with unnecessary links.

  • And there it is recognized, and grows and launches,
  • and advances and foams up, and jumps and trusts,
  • and cleaves and late in the running water, singing,...

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