Learn English Vocabulary with Spanish Translations
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Overqualified →
Demasiado calificado.
Oversleep →
Dormir por encima de lo que se debe.
Overeat →
Comer por encima de lo normal.
Misinform →
To inform sb incorrectly.
Eyesane →
Pain of eyes. / When you watch sb ugly.
Good scrub →
To clean sth with concience.
Loan →
Spread - Spread - Spread →
Demanding challenge →
Un reto difícil.
Remove →
Crews →
People who have the same job.
Memo →
Grease stain →
Mancha de grasa.
To realise →
To understand sth or sb.
Litter →
Basura de papel. Rubbish, especially paper.
Ruined →
Distroy sth.
Eliminated →
Deteriorated →
Show →
Around →
About. (Aproximately)
Willing to →
To want to do sth / To have the intention to do sth.
Cheer me up →
CuidarTake care of (me) / Put the eye on (me).
Got a big heart →
Have a heart of gold.
Rely on →
Dependiente. Depend on.
Reliable →
Fiable. Able to be trusted.
Funny-ho-ha →
Hilarious (Extremely funny).
Funny strange →
Muy raro.Weird of.
Giving people →
Cowardly →
Brave →
Bravery →
The quality of being brave.
Stand up for what you believe in →
Believe strongly on sth.
I’m a show-off →
Presumido. To boast about sth.
Honest →
Sincero. A person who always tell the truth.
Fair →
Bonito, justo. Just.
Go without →
Independiente. To take responsability on his own.
Compassion →
The quality of being sympathetic.
Generosity →
The quality of being generous.
Selfish →
Egoísta. Caring only about yourself and not other people.
Loyalty →
Lealtad. The quality of being loyal.
Self-reliance → I
ndependiente.The quality of being independence.
Hire →
Contratar. When sb want other person to work for him.
Make profit →
Triunfar, lograr, tener éxito.To succeed.
Make loss →
Bancarrota.Go bankrupt.
Jobless →
Desempleado .Without job.
Beaten up →
Dar una paliza a alguien.Hit a person repetealy.
To beat = to defeat →
Enterprises →
Negocios. Business.
Give up = stop = surrender →
Renunciar, ceder.
Obnoxious = big-headed = arrogant →
Creído Tell off→ Reñir.To tell sb that they have done something wrong and that you are angry about it. Took notice of → Hacer caso. To pay more attention Sleepy head → Dormilona Turn up→ Arrive, appeared. Get on → Boards. Borrow → Tomar prestado.You take money of sb but you have to returned it. Rip off → Timar.Swindle / deceive.