Language Acquisition & Child Development

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Key Concepts in Language Acquisition and Child Development

Questions & Answers

  1. According to Chomsky, language is... A (We possess an innate capacity for language.)
  2. Which of the following statements is true? C (Learners need a supportive environment.)
  3. Behaviorism relies on... A (Skinner's theory of operant conditioning.)
  4. According to Krashen... C (Comprehensible input is important.)
  5. According to constructivism... A (Children of a similar age think similarly.)
  6. The term "concentration span" refers to... A (The time and capacity for focused attention.)
  7. Comprehensible input means... B (The teacher uses facial expressions and gestures.)
  8. Language acquisition does not require... D (All of the above.)
  9. What is the zone of proximal development? A (The zone between the child's current knowledge and their potential knowledge.)
  10. The concept of scaffolding is associated with... A (Bruner)
  11. Which of these activities is suitable for children under 7? B (Listening to a story)
  12. Young learners... B (Are comfortable with routines.)
  13. Silent period... C (When children start to process language before speaking.)
  14. When children do TPR activities... C (A and B)
  15. Which statement is true? B (When language is processed, the left brain is believed to be involved.)
  16. An instruction to "listen and make" could involve... D (Coloring)
  17. To make "listen and make" activities more creative... D (All of the above)
  18. An advantage of TPR is... C (TPR uses actions to enhance understanding.)
  19. An activity suitable for children over 7 is... A (Writing)
  20. The term "literacy" refers to... B (The ability to identify and understand written words.)
  21. In dialogic reading, "Have you...?" is an example of... C (A distancing question)
  22. Print awareness includes... D (All of the above)
  23. Children's performance on print awareness tasks indicates... D (None of the above)
  24. Identifying words on a shopping list is an example of... C (Print awareness)
  25. Dialogic reading is... C (A technique to improve language and literacy skills.)
  26. In dialogic reading, the teacher should... D (All of the above)
  27. In the "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" dialogic reading example, the teacher primarily uses... C (Repetitive questions)
  28. CROWD refers to... D (The questions you ask during dialogic reading)
  29. Which of the following prompts helps build connections to real-life experiences? A (Distancing prompt)
  30. Group activities can promote... D (All of the above)
  31. When students are trying to speak... B (Show them you are listening attentively.)
  32. When children in the classroom are asked to "classify," they are... B (Ordering and matching)
  33. When learning to write, children often start with... A (Finger tracing)
  34. Babies... D (All of the above)
  35. Children under 7... A (Understand concrete concepts.)
  36. Children between 7 and 11... C (Have developed more abstract thinking skills.)
  37. Which of these features is *not* characteristic of young learners? C (They understand abstract concepts easily.)
  38. Children under 7... D (Can work in groups with guidance.)
  39. According to the six stages of language development, children... D (Can make up their own stories.)
  40. What is a disadvantage of TPR? D (All of the above)
  41. After his research, it was concluded that... D (B and C)
  42. Storytelling is beneficial... C (Because it gives children exposure to language in a meaningful context.)
  43. Tips for teachers include... B (Rephrasing and expanding on children's utterances.)
  44. Tips for teachers include... D (All of the above)
  45. Dialogic reading promotes... D (Distancing)
  46. Social interaction is a key concept from... A (Vygotsky)
  47. Concentration span is important because... D (If children are engaged, they will learn more effectively.)
  48. Total Physical Response (TPR) was developed by... C (James Asher)
  49. Total Physical Response (TPR) is... D (All of the above)

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