A laminar boundary layer is a layer

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

Written at on English with a size of 3.25 KB.

1. Failures are integrated and used as a revulsive → not hidden, not ignored not minimised 2. A post - error analysis is conducted to prevent them in the future → integration of errors is both intellectual and emotional 3. Mistakes are lived as a necessary step to success → guilt is discarded,  all is a part of progress 

1. Every layer of the person is integrated in one → you perceive unity, authenticity and honesty 2 Self-awareness and self-knowledge are the core → compassionate thinking and analysis of events 3. Personal commitment jar is refilled daily → Positive thinking and personal leadership rule. (negative things are the threat for us) 

Holland test: realistic, investigator, social conventional, entrepenreur, artistic

Kinesica --> Studies the expression of non - verbal body messages: Gestures and body movements Facial expressions The look and the touch

Proxemics --> Is the study of non-verbal interaction between people. Includes communication by touch and other body movements. The social norms of these interactions vary greatly by culture. Important how it said: volume, tone, rhythm, breaks and expressiveness


It’s a 2 to 5 minute speech that summarises: who you are, what you do and why you’d be a perfect candidate.

1 ST floor → Define your project 

2 ND floor → Why are you the best option for the Company? 

3RD floor → Clarify what is different about your compared to others

4 TH floor → Explain your business plan 

5TH floor → Which benefits do you bring to the investor

6.Behavioural interview 

Key competencies are specific qualities that a company's recruiters have decided are desirable for employees to possess. Questions depending on the competences. Look for the start method to result in the behavioural interview. 

Problem Solving, Leadership (in a situation, complete a certain task), Organisation, Motivation

During interviews and assessment processes, key competencies are used as benchmarks that assessors use to rate and evaluate candidates.

S: situation →  Which one was the situation T: task → Which ones were the tasks involved in the situation? A: action →  Which ones were the actions that you carried out R: result → Which ones were the results of your actions?

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