Labor Movements and Social Change in 19th Century Spain

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Communication was essential. This led to the growth of the metallurgical industry, particularly around Maquinista Barcelona. During the last quarter of the 19th century, many factories were located near rivers to utilize hydropower, explaining the proliferation of industrial settlements in these areas.

Rising prices, caused by a lack of energy sources, made Catalan textile products uncompetitive. Catalan industrialists requested protectionist tariffs from the central government to monopolize the Spanish and colonial markets.

The Evolution of the Labor Movement

Labor organizations were divided between anarchists and Marxists. During the first seven years of the Restoration under Cánovas, labor organizations operated underground.

The Restoration period was characterized by general neglect and intransigence on social issues. This is reflected in the high illiteracy rates: in 1877, 71.5% of Spaniards were illiterate, with 81.16% being women. The Church seized this opportunity to establish schools, primarily aimed at the upper-middle class. Intellectuals were critical of Spain's social, economic, and cultural life. This is demonstrated by the creation of the Free Educational Institution (founded in Madrid by Francisco Giner de los Rios in 1876) and the works of Joaquín Costa, such as "Agricultural Collectivism in Spain" (1898) and "Oligarchy and Caciques."

The working class faced harsh conditions, working 13 or 14 hours a day, even on Sundays. Women and children worked in factories, performing the same tasks as men but earning lower wages.

The Marxist Labor Movement

Inspired by the First International, Marx advised the formation of national Marxist parties acting independently in each country. On May 2, 1879, the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) was founded clandestinely in Spain, led by Pablo Iglesias.

In 1881, taking advantage of Sagasta's new law on associations, its proponents officially registered the party. In 1888, coinciding with the Universal Exposition of Barcelona, the PSOE held its first congress, just days after the founding of the UGT (General Union of Workers). By 1890, Spanish socialism incorporated new ideas:

  1. The creation of so-called people's houses.
  2. The claim of an 8-hour workday.

The Anarchist Movement

Unlike the socialists, anarchist ideas found great success within the labor movement and the scattered Catalan population. These ideas focused on two basic principles:

  1. Absolute freedom without any kind of hierarchy.
  2. The inherent goodness of society as a work of nature.

Anselmo Lorenzo was a leading figure in Spanish anarchism. However, the lack of organization was the movement's Achilles' heel. The disappearance of organization and influence, coupled with new ideas of propaganda by deed and direct action from European anarchists, led to violent acts.

Many attacks were committed in Barcelona. In 1893, an anarchist attacked the Captain General of Catalonia, Martinez Campos. Shortly after, Santiago Salvador detonated two bombs at the Lyceum, killing 20 people. Another attack occurred at the Corpus procession, resulting in multiple deaths, leading to the Montjuïc trials and several death sentences. As a consequence of the Montjuïc trials, Cánovas del Castillo was assassinated in 1897 by an anarchist.

The government, apart from completely suppressing the anarchist party, began to address the social consequences of the workers' living conditions. In 1883, the Commission of Social Reforms was formed, marking the first government initiative to improve workers' living conditions, such as limiting child labor and establishing support for those injured in workplace accidents.

The "Desastre" of 1898

In 1898, Cuba definitively gained independence from Spain. Despite the Peace of Zanjón in 1878, which granted a degree of autonomy, unrest and Cuban demands persisted. Additionally, U.S. economic interests in the island sought to trade directly with sugar producers. The U.S. decided to provide weapons and military advisors and eventually found an excuse to engage directly with Spain.

The excuse was...

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