La época
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Today, environmental pollution is a big problem for everyone and over the years has seen the impact on the world of natural phenomena with greater force in places that previously did not occur as they are: hurricanes, droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes , tornadoes. First, we should be aware of this and avoid destroying the planet before it is too late and causing our own extinction. Secondly, we should start to reduce everything that contaminates such as factories, the excessive use of public transport and not recycling, because if you do not start taking measures it will never be done. Lastly and most importantly, take action and start taking measures that help us make a better and less polluted world, such as reducing the use of public transport and using bicycles, not throwing garbage on beaches, not wasting water, Use cloth bags, etc. In my opinion, this topic is very important and more talks should be held than those that are done so that people begin to become aware and take action as soon as possible, in order to prevent our own extinction in the near future.