Joshua's Farewell and Final Admonitions: An Analysis of Perakim 22-23

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Test on Perakim כב-כג

Shari Samuel

Test perakim כב-כג

Perek כב

Yehoshua says goodbye to the Chalutzim

  • Yehoshua called out to the Chalutzim over in Shiloah and told them that they have listened and they worked together nicely and they didn’t leave their brothers for many years and helped them fight. 
  • He tells them that their brothers can take it over now and that they have fulfilled their promise. 
  • This is Yehoshua’s goodbye for them because they are going to their land
  • He tells them that they need to keep their mitzvot and and they need to worship Hashem
  • Ramban- he adds in “love Hashem and stick to him”
  • He belesses the chalutzim and tells them to go home
  • Moshe gave half of Menashe the land outside of israel Bashan עוג and he gave their brother other land inside Israel the rest of the chalutzim live in סיחן territory
  • Since they got so much money form the wars, Yehoshua had told them to share it with the people at home. 
  • Why does the Pasuk say “הרבה” so many times?
  • To emphasize
  • They returned from Shiloah to the land across the river to the acquired land

The Chalutzim build a huge מזבח 

  • They came to the land by the Jordan river and they built a huge מזבח 
  • What does the word למראה mean?
  • It was so big that you could see it from far away
  • It was a beautiful monument to look at
  • Benai yisrael heard about this מזבח that is in their land
  • Was it allowed for the Chalutzim to make this big מזבח?
  • No, they built a more permanent structure and it is a sign of idol worship
  • All of Israel gathered in Shiloh and they got together to go to war
  • Why are they getting so crazy and going to war?
  • This is a good generation of people and they see this as a rebellion and they are scared that this is a threat to their unity and Hashem will get mad and the Achan story will start again
  • They are nervous that the Chalutzim are going to do idol worship 
  • Benai Yisrael sent Pinchas to Menashe 
  • Why Pinchas
  1. He is trustworthy/ spy 
  2. On a high rank (kohen)
  3. Everything that happened in באל פיור

The accusation of the  מזבח

  • 10 tribes went to Menashe 
  • Wait, don’t we only have 9
  • No, we have 10 representatives because the in the land Menashe representative went along 
  • They come and ask the Chalutzim: What is this terrible thing that you do? To rebel and make a מזבח in front of Hashem!!
  • Malbim adds that they just saw the miracles - why are they rebelling! 
  • They add: Wasn’t it enough that we just finished cleansing ourselves at באל פיור? There was a huge plague that killed 24,000 people! This act also affects us Hashem gets angry and punishes us too!
  • Why don’t you live with us! We will even redistribute the land for you if your land doesn’t feel holy enough, just come into Israel!
  • Remember Achan? Everyone go punished! That was only one person and what will happen to us now that it is two full shevatim???
  • The theme of brotherhood in the Pesukim:
  1. Sent messengers instead of attacking
  2. They offered to redistribute land
  3. Everyone is involved if one person does bad (Achan)
  4. When Yehoshua thanks tem for coming and fulfilling their promise

The Chalutzim respond to the מזבח

  • The Chalutzim talk to the heads and say:
  • Hashem's name three times- he knows that the מזבח is for him and he would know if he did it to rebel (which they didn’t)
  • He is the one that knows if we did it for a bad reason- we were never going to bring any Korbanot
  • We did this out of worry because in the future your kids will tell ours that they are not part of them! So we said to ourselves that we need to make a מזבח to use a symbol not for any korbanot
  • God forbid we go agents Hashem!
  • Pinchas heard what they said and it was good in their eyes
  • They returned back home and told benai yisrael what happened 
  • They called the מזבח “witness” or עד’

Perek כג

Yehoshua’s speech before he dies

  • Yehoshua gethers Benai Yisrael when it was a clam time and Yehoshua was old in his years 
  • Abarbanel- yehoshua was old and weak from battle
  • Yehoshua call to everyone (old men, judges, officers) and says you saw everything that Hashem your God did for you- he fought for you, he got rid of the nonjews in the land, he helped you inherit the land
  • You can be strong as long as you listen to the Torah
  • You still have nonjews around you, do not try and worship other Gods because Hashem is always with you
  • You need to stick to Hashem like you did up to this day
  • Malbim- he says to cling to Hashem and not intermarry
  • Hashem conquered huge enemies and no one could fight back
  • One man would fight thousands- the enemies were that scared
  • You need to watch your deeds, thoughts, and actions and love God
  • If you don’t cling to Hashem, you will intermarry and Hashem won’t be with you
  • Hashem won’t help you they will be like thorns in your eyes, until you will be lost out of the land Hashem promised and gave to you
  • Know Hashem is with you and everything Hashem promised will be fulfilled 
  • As amazing as Hashem is he will destroy you as bad - he can bring bad as he brings good
  • If you don’t go with Hashem he will get mad and you will be banished from the land

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