Israelites' Journey from Egypt to Canaan: Exodus Story
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The Exodus: Israelites' Journey from Egypt to Canaan
The Israelites' Enslavement in Egypt
The book of Exodus describes the Israelites' journey from Egypt to Canaan, which lasted 40 years. The last chapters of Genesis describe a famine that occurred in Canaan. As Jacob's descendants grew in number, the Pharaoh became increasingly distrustful of them. Exodus details how the Pharaoh mistreated the Israelites, ultimately enslaving them.
Moses and the Exodus
Moses was an Israelite who was adopted by the Royal Family. God appeared to Moses and instructed him to rescue his people from slavery in Egypt. Moses asked the Pharaoh to free the Israelites, but he refused. God then brought terrible hardships upon Egypt, such as sickness and swarms of insects. Still, the Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites. Finally, God sent the worst and last punishment: the death of every firstborn unless they painted the top of their door with the blood of a lamb. After this final plague, the Pharaoh finally freed the Israelites.
The Ten Commandments
A commandment is an order to do something. The Ten Commandments are the ways we are to behave toward God and one another. The Israelites believe that each person is created in the image of God and that behaving well is a duty to God. The Exodus is believed to have happened around 1200 BC. The Israelites lived in the desert for 40 years, during which they learned ways to worship God and made new religious objects.
Joshua and the Promised Land
Moses died before he could reach the Promised Land. After his death, Joshua took his place as leader. The Israelites entered Canaan from the east under Joshua's leadership. One of the first cities they conquered was Jericho. Then, each of the tribes descended from Jacob's sons settled in a different area. The tribes of Benjamin, Judah, and Simeon settled in the South, while the others settled in the North along the Jordan River.
The Ten Commandments
- I, the Lord, am your God.
- Have no other gods besides me, and do not make idols and worship them.
- Do not swear falsely by the name of the Lord your God.
- Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
- Honor your father and mother.
- Do not commit murder.
- Do not commit adultery.
- Do not steal.
- Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- Do not covet your neighbor's house, wife, or belongings.