Introduction to the Mishnah and Talmud

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The definition of נזיקין, is


Which following tractate is NOT included in סדר זרעים?

-Tahara -Shabbat

Which following tractate is NOT included in סדר מועד?

-Demai -Maasrot

Seder קדשים included the following three tractates?

-Zavachim, Menachot, Chullin.

The words משנה למלך mean

-Deputy to a King

Why are these tractates referred to as משנה?

-It is similar to the words משנה למלך, since the written Torah is the king and the Mishnah is subordinate to it.

The sages of the Gemara are called


  1. בית שמאי lived during the time of the- תנאים
  2. בית הלל lived during the times of the -תנאים
  3. חנניה was an -תנא

The meaning of תנא is


The definition of an אמורא is

-It means “interpreter” in Aramaic.

  1. רב יודה הנשיא was considered a - תנא
  2. סיפרה and ספרי where compiled by -רבי חייא.

What is the purpose of the סיפרא and ספרי?

-To expound and teach the basic principles of the משנה

The תוספתא was compiled by

רבי חייא

What is the purpose of the תוספתא?

-To explain the subject matter of the Mishnah

Many ברייתות were written by

בר-קפרא and ר' הושעיא

Which two Sages compiled the מכילתא?

ר' ישמעאל and ר' עקיבא

Was the משנה, סיפרא, סיפרי, תוספתא, ברייתות, מכילתא compiled before or after the Talmud?


Define אגדה

-Non-legal interpretations of the Torah

Provide an example of Midrashim that fall under אגדה?

-מדרש רבה and מדרש תנחומא

The Sages who delved into the אגדה were referred to by their counterparts as what?

-Rabbis of the Aggadah

The ספרי has 2 volumes on דברים and on במדבר. מסכתות קטנות are SMALL TRACTATES and they are also considered ברייתות.

Which מסכתות קטנות were not included in the Talmud?

אבות, סופרים, שמחות, כלה, דרך ארץ, פרק שולם, ארץ ישראל.

Can we recognize when the Gemara quotes a ברייתא? How?

-Yes, by the following introductory words

תנו רבנן, תני חדא, תניא אידך, תניא, תנא תונא

How does the Gemara present ברייתות of ר' אושעיא and ר' חייא?

תנו רבנן - the Rabbis taught -

All the אמוראים were obligated to know the entire


When does the גמרא ask מאיקא שמעלן - “What is he telling us”?

-In a case where the אמורא states or reiterates what was said in the משנה.

When the גמרא states “תנן” it is introducing to us a


When does the גמרא use the words תנא תונא and תניא to introduce a ברייתא?

-Anywhere the גמרא is presenting a Berayta not written by ר' הושעיא or ר' חייא

The תלמוד ירושלמי


  1. רבי יוחנן was the disciple of

-רב יודה הנשיא

What part of תורה שבעל פה did ר' יוחנן compile?

-The Talmud of Jerusalem

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