Introduction to Health and Wellness
Classified in Medicine & Health
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Health and Wellness Overview
Aerobic Exercise (Cardio)
Stimulates heart rate and breathing rate. Examples include:
- Spinning
- Running
- Swimming
- Walking
Anaerobic Exercise
Short, strength-based activities with short exertion and high-intensity movement. Examples include:
- Weight Lifting
- Sprinting
- Jumping
Large, complex molecules required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. Made of amino acids.
The Five Main Food Groups
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Grain
- Protein
- Dairy
Food Pyramid
A nutritional diagram in the shape of a pyramid.
Substances in food that your body needs.
- Macronutrients: Provide calories and energy (carbohydrates, protein, fat)
- Micronutrients: Only needed in small amounts
A disease where abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. Examples include:
- Breast Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Leukemia (can't fight infection)
Health and Wellness
A state of complete well-being (not just the absence of disease), encompassing mental, emotional, social, and physical well-being.
Seven Dimensions of Wellness
- Social: Relate and connect with other people.
- Emotional: Acknowledge and share feelings.
- Spiritual: Establish peace in life.
- Environmental: Recognize our responsibility for the environment around us.
- Occupational: Get personal fulfillment from our job.
- Intellectual: Open our minds to new ideas.
- Physical: Maintain a healthy quality of life.
Stress and Stress Management
Stress Management Tools
- Get Moving
- Engage Socially
- Avoid Unnecessary Stress
- Alter the Situation (change the way you operate your daily life)
- Adapt to the Stressor (change expectations/attitude to stressful situations)
- Accept Things You Can't Change
- Make Time for Fun and Relaxation
Not just a different type of stressor, but the positive reaction to stress that creates a desire to achieve and overcome a challenge.
Harmful Substances
The #1 risk factor for lung cancer and one of the main risk factors for many chronic diseases (cancer, lung diseases, cardiovascular disease).
Effects of Tobacco:
- Compromises the immune system
- Decreases bone density
- Damages the heart and lungs
- Possible blindness
Effects of Weed
- Immediate effect on the brain and sense of perception
- Increased heart rate
- Irritates bronchial passages and lungs
- THC releases a lot of dopamine (can cause hallucinations/delusions)
- Might damage the immune system
Goal Setting
- Specific
- Measurable
- Acceptable
- Realistic
- Time-Specific