Integrating Language Learning Across Subjects: Strategies and Benefits

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Possibilities for Integration

Use the Work in the Language Class to Work in Other Subjects

For example, if the children make a survey in the English class to use the expression “by car”, “by bus”, etc., they can use the information in the mathematics class to make diagrams, schemes, etc.

In this way, we are relating language with the content in other subjects, which provides the language with a double value.

Use the Techniques in Other Subjects to Improve the Language Class

For example, the teacher makes questions in English in the mathematics class, questions like “who is wearing jeans?” “who is wearing a T-shirt?” “who is wearing jeans and a T-shirt?” that they will organize in diagrams.

Then, the information will be worked in the English class to study singulars and plurals.

Include Themes from Other Subjects in the Language Class

As it has been previously mentioned, it is important to provide the children with audio and visual material simultaneously, for example, giving an explanation of something we are doing. In this way, we review the language they know and, at the same time, acquire new language (indirect learning).

For example, previous to the science class, the teacher of English can make a mini demonstration of an experiment that will be carried out later in a full way.

Teach Full Subjects in English (CLIL)

CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning. It refers to teaching subjects to students through a foreign language and suggests an equilibrium between content and language learning. The non-language content is developed through the foreign language, and the foreign language is developed through the non-language content.

CLIL may be implemented in a variety of ways and in very different situations; it can refer to the whole year instruction of one or more subjects or to the teaching of a module on a specific topic.

CLIL aims to create an improvement in a variety of ways in the foreign language competence and a development of knowledge and skills in the non-language areas.

Benefits of CLIL

  1. Through the exposure to authentic material, CLIL leads to greater involvement and helps learners increase their motivation.
  2. Through the interactive and co-operative nature of work, CLIL helps boost self-confidence, raise self-esteem, build independence, and teach organizational skills.
  3. Through the greater number of contact hours with the foreign language, CLIL helps learners improve language proficiency (fluency and accuracy).
  4. Through more favorable learning conditions, CLIL fosters learning to learn.
  5. Through learners’ involvement in demanding activities, CLIL encourages creative thinking processes.

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